Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian nationals for the Post-doctoral fellow position in the Dept./Centre Electronics and communication Engineering purely on a contract basis.
Position: Post-doctoral fellow (One)
Title of project: Design and Development of New Prototype for RlS-aided Communication
Sponsor of the project: IIITB COMET Foundation
Principal investigator: Prof. Ekant Sharma, Dept./Centre Electronics
and communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Qualifications: Ph.D. in EC/EE/CS
Duration: Up to the duration of project
Job description: We are looking for qualified and highly motivated candidates for the research
and development work in the field of Beyond 5G/6G wireless communication. The work involves to realize the
prospects of using a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) to aid wireless communication systems that have
recently received much attention from academia and industry. The candidate will be given leadership role and he/she
will be responsible for handling the project. Apart from wireless communication aspects, knowledge of RF
engineering and FGPA/microprocessor design may be desirable. The candidates should have experience on
handling vector network analyzer, knowledge of PCB design and debugging.
Emoluments: Rs 80,000/- + HRA
How to Apply: Candidates should apply by filling up the below google form
The last date for the applicants to fill out the form is 6th March'25.
The interview will be held online on 10th March'25.
Details will be mailed to shortlisted candidates.