IIT Roorkee, India invites applications for Research Associate-II position


Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian nationals for the Research Associate-II position in the Dept. of. Civil Engineering purely on a contract basis.

Position:  Research Associate-II (One)

Title of project: Crystalline waterproofing admixtures for exposed surfaces: Performance under combined thermal and humidity cycles
Sponsor of the project: NBCC (India) Ltd.

Principal investigator: Prof. Anjaneya Dixit, Dept. of. Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

Qualifications: PhD. in Civil Engineering or equivalent degree in building materials/concrete technology/ water-proofing admixtures or having 3 years of research experience after ME/4.Tech. or equivalent in the mentioned fields. Candidate should also have at least one Science Citation Indexed (SCI) research paper.

Duration: 3 years

Job description: The Candidate should have good knowledge of building material characterization and cement chemistry.

Emoluments: Rs. 61,000 + 9% HRA per month
How to Apply: Candidates desiring to appear for an interview should submit their applications and the following documents to the Principal investigator through email with the subject title, "RA-II application for NBCC". 
  • Cover letter describing how your expertise aligns with the project description
  • Detailed CV with the chronological discipline of degree/certificates obtained, publications, experience, etc.
  • Experience certificates including research, industrial field, and others.
  • Attested copies of degree/certificate and experience certificate.
The candidate should apply by sending the email within 2l days of the advertisement.

Email: anjaneya.dixit@ce.iitr.ac.in


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