Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian nationals for the Post-Doctoral Fellow position in the Dept of
Humanities and Social Sciences purely on a contract basis.
Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow (One)
Title of project: Developing E-readers for DaSopanishads in Sanskrit to Hindi and English
Sponsor of the project: Central Sanskrit University, New Delhi
Principal investigator: Prof. Pavankumar Satuluri), Dept of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Tcchnology, Roorkee.
Qualifications: Ph.D. in Vedanta/Philosophy (Advaita, Dvaita, Vishistadvaita or any other similar
discipline) Nyakarana/MimamsaA.,lyaya and First-class Master's degree (M.A. or equivalent) in
Vedanta/Philosophy (Advaita, Dvaita, Vishistadvaita or any other similar discipline)/
Vyakarana/MimamsaA.,tryayallndian Philosophy from a recognized university. Minimum of Two (02) years
of research experience and knowledge in the interdisciplinary research areas or computational tools
related to Sanskrit is desirable. Preference will be given to the Vedanta scholars.
Duration: 6 months. This position can be extended to another six months based on the performance.
Job description: This 'Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF)' position is a full-time contract-based on-site job at the
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. The following responsibilities are applicable to this position -
- collect and proofread all Upanishads in Sanskrit text format.
- apply computational linguistic tools (morphological analyzers, sandhi splitting, parsers) to analyze verses/sentences related to Upanishads.
- extend support to design a user-friendly interface that supports multiple levels of analysis, including word morphology, meanings, sandhi splits, compound identification, and sentence parsing.
- regular update to the Project Investigator about the work progress
- active participation and contributions towards completion of the project goals
- adhere to the rules and regulations of the institution.
- willingness to take up any other responsibility towards the project given by the Project Investigator
Emoluments: Rs. 50,000 /- per month + HRA as per IITR rules
How to Apply: Candidates desiring to appear for the interview should submit their applications with the following documents to the office of Principal Investigator through email only as a single pdf file in the following order (failing to which application will not be considered for shortlisting procedure).
- Application with detailed CV including chronological discipline of degree/certificates obtained.
- Copy of certificates, mark sheets, and relevant experience certificates (research and industrial field)
Email: pavankumar.satuluri@)
Last date for applying: 09.01.2024, 5.00P.M
The interview will be held at Department of Humanities and Social Sciences on 13.01.25 at 11:00 a.m