Position: Project Scientist-1
Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandrika Prakash Vyasarayani
Title of the Project: Design and Development of an Experimental Setup for Measurement of 10 Inertial parameters of Slender Flights/projectiles
Tenure: 1 year (extendable on satisfactory performance)
Minimum Qualification: PhD in mechanical engineering with at least 2 journal papers relevant to the project
Desirable Qualifications: The candidate should have a published track record in nonlinear dynamics or multibody dynamics. Further experience in data acquisition using NI and prototype-building capabilities is desired.
Fellowship: Rs. 56000+ HRA (if applicable)
How to apply: Eligible applicants should fill out this form: ONLINE FORM by 10th Feb 2025:
For technical information on the project, the candidate may contact the Principal Investigator at the following email/phone:
Chandrika Prakash Vyasarayani
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Kandi, Sangareddy, Telangana, India, 502 285
Email: vcprakash@mae.iith.ac.in
Website: https://sites.google.com/mae.iith.ac.in/cpvyasarayani
The deadline for applications is 10/02/2025
Selection: Candidates will be short-listed based on their academic record/achievements and only shortlisted candidates will be intimated via e-mail for an online interview with the selection committee. Please note that merely meeting the minimum criteria does not guarantee a call for an interview. The position will be left vacant if no suitable candidate is found.