IIIT Vadodara (presently located at Gandhinagar, Gujarat and at International Campus Diu (U.T.)) invites applications from the indian Nationals for fling up the faculty positions at Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Grade- I & II levels. The details of the Faculty Positions are as per the following:
Departments / Broad specialization:
(a) Engineering:
- Theoretical Computer Science, Software Design & Engineering, Formal methods
- Database Management System, Operating System, Compiler Design and Web Technology
- High Performance Computing, Computer Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision
- Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Blockchain
- 10T, Computer Networks, WSN, Wireless Network, ICT
- Computer Communication, Digital Signal Processing and Digital Systems.
- Embedded Systems, VLSI and Chip Design, RF and Microwave, Communication
- Robotics, Human Computer Interaction
- Other relevant areas
(b) Science & Humanities;
- Mathematics: Algebra, Analysis, Optimization, Probability and Statistics
- Physics (all branches)
- Linguistics, Literature and Social Sciences
- Economics, Psychology
Essential Quaification & Experience:
Associate Professor Level — 13A2 (Rs. 1,39,600 —- Rs. 2,11,300) :
- Ph.D. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grade, etc.) in the preceding degree.
- Minimum 6 years of teaching/ research/ industrial experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent in a reputed Institute/ R&D Lab/ Industry/ Organization.
Additional Desirable Requirements:
- Atleast one PhD guided. OR One PhD student in continuation, publication of at least one high quality research paper or one patent grantedffiled with the particular student. OR At least 2 Post Graduate Thesis guided.
- At least one completed/ongoing Sponsored R&D or consultancy projects. OR Organizer of at least two short term courses/workshops/conferences in the capacity of Core Committee Chair or equivalent at the level of Assistant Professor at the Institute. OR One Patent filed or a high quality journal paper.
Assistant Professor Grade – | Level — 12, (Rs. 1,01,500 —1,67,400):
- PhD. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades. etc.) in the preceding degree.
- The candidate must have a minimum of three years of post PhD experience.
Additional Desirable Requirements:
- At least one PhD student ongoing. OR At least 2 Post Graduate Thesis guided OR At least one ongoing or two submitted Sponsored R&D or consultancy projects OR Organizer of at least one short term courses/workshops/conferences at the Institute OR Publication of at least two high quality papers (minimum one in journal) in journals, conferences, books, monographs, patents filed/granted post PhD.
- The candidate should have participated in administrative work at Department/School /Organization level.
- Outreach Activities (at least one): Liaison with industry, Member of reputed committee/organization/conference S, Contribution to Institute/Organizational development, Accolades in terms of national or international recognition, Development of self- finance courses or laboratories for UG/PG courses at Department/Institute level, Conference participation, Invited Talks, or equivalent. . Teaching experience – UG/PG level courses with a combination of core and elective courses. OR R&D/Industrial experience – Execution of projects in diverse ~ domains.
Assistant Professor Grade – II Level — 11, (Rs. 71,000 — 1,17,200):
- PhD. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades. etc.) in the preceding degree with at least two research papers.
- One year post phd experience in teaching/research/ industry.
Assistant Professor Grade – Il Level – 10, (Rs. 70,900 — 98,200):
- PhD. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades. etc.) in the preceding degree with at least two research papers.
Applications Fees:
- Fee for Female Candidate — NIL
- Fee for SC/ST/PwDs Candidates — Rs. 1000/- + 18% GST = Rs. 1180/-
- Fee for other Candidates — Rs. 2000/- + 18°/a GST = Rs. 2360/-
Candidates applying for two or more posts are required to fill up & forward separate application forms for each post along with the supporting documents and necessary fee as applicable). Single Application form received for two or more posts will be summarily rejected without any communication by the Institute.
How to apply:
It is mandatory for all candidates to fill up GOOGLE FORM available at the following link on the Institute's website . After the submission, you will receive an auto generated PDF file having your S details as submitted in your email INBOX (Please check for SPAM folder in case not received in your INBOX. You should wait for at least 24 hours for receipt of the self - generated PDF application). You have tO upload all the supporting documents. Non - receipt of the same shall lead to rejection of Application. Sample Annexure - V is attached for candidates to keep ready the details which are required to be filled in the Google Application Form.
The submission deadline of a complete application form in online mode is January 15, 2025 and duly setf-attested should be sent to Institute address by registered post/ speed post on or before January 22, 2025.
Last date for apply: 15th January 2025