NIT Warangal invites applications for Regular Faculty positions spread across various departments


National Institute of Technology Warangal invites online applications from Indian Nationals, possessing excellent academic records along with a commitment to quality teaching and research, for the posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor in various Departments of the Institute.

Departments / Educational Qualifications:

The Essential Academic Qualification for all the levels (Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor) is a Ph.D. in the respective discipline and shall have First Class in the preceding Degrees. Candidates having a Ph.D. degree directly after B.Tech are also eligible and they should have obtained First Class at Bachelor’s level.


Essential Qualifications

Biotechnology (BT)

BE / B.Tech (Biotechnology / Biochemical Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Industrial Biotechnology)    ME / M.Tech or equivalent (Biotechnology / Biochemical Engineering / Bioinformatics / Industrial Biotechnology) 

Chemical Engineering (CH)

BE / B.Tech (Chemical Engineering)   ME / M.Tech or equivalent (Chemical Engineering)

Chemistry (CY)

B.Sc / BS   M.Sc. (Chemistry)

Civil Engineering (CE)

BE / B.Tech (Civil Engineering / Construction Technology / Construction Management / Agricultural Engineering / Geoinformatics / Geomatics) / B.Arch / B.Plan   ME / M.Tech or equivalent (Construction Technology and Management / Construction Engineering and Management / Construction Management / Infrastructure Management / Building Technology and Construction Management / Geomatics /Geoinformatics /Remote Sensing and GIS /Geodesy / Water Resources Engineering)

Computer Science and Engineering (CS)

BE / B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering / Artificial Intelligence & Data Science / Artificial Intelligence / Data Science)   ME / M.Tech or equivalent (Computer Science and Engineering / Computer Science and Information Security)

Electrical Engineering (EE)

BE / B.Tech (Electrical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electrical Power Engineering)   ME / M.Tech or equivalent (Power Systems/Energy Engineering / Power Electronics & Drives /  Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles / Smart Electric Grid / Smart Grid Technologies / Control & Automation / Instrumentation / Signal Processing / Embedded Systems / High Voltage / Insulation Engineering)

Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC)

BE / B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering)   ME / M.Tech or equivalent (VLSI / Embedded System / Communication / Instrumentation / Signal Processing)

Humanities and Social Sciences (HS)

English: BA / B.Sc. /B. Com; MA (ELT /Literature / Linguistics) Economics: BA (Economics) / B. Com; MA in Economics

Management Studies (MS)

MBA or equivalent / M.Tech / MSc (Computer Science or Information Technology) / MA (Econometrics)

Mathematics (MA)

BE / B.Tech (Math and Computing) / BS / BSc  MSc (Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Computer Science /Mathematics & Scientific Computing / Statistics / Operations Research) or MSc (Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Computer Science /Mathematics & Scientific Computing / Statistics / Operations Research) with ME / M.Tech in Computer Science             or  ME / M.Tech in Computer Science

Mechanical Engineering (ME)

BE / B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering / Production Engineering / Manufacturing Engineering / Industrial Engineering) ME / M.Tech or equivalent (Industrial Engineering /Automobile Engineering / Thermal Engineering / Internal Combustion Engines and Turbomachinery / Turbo Machines / Heat Power Engineering)

Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MM)

BE / B.Tech (Metallurgical & Materials Engineering) ME / M.Tech or equivalent (Metallurgical & Materials Engineering)

Physics (PH)

BSc / BS M.Sc. / M.Sc. (Tech) (Physics / Engineering Physics / Applied Physics)

Areas of Specialization:




Bioinformatics, Biological Data Analysis, Functional Genomics


Process Dynamics And Control, Materials for Hydrogen storage / Solar Cells, Catalyst Development for CO2 Utilization/Electrolysis, Granular Flows, Sensors, Drug Delivery Systems, Biomedical Engineering


Organic Chemistry: Biological Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Total Synthesis, Functional Organic Materials Inorganic Chemistry: Organometallic Chemistry, Transition Metal Chemistry, Inner Transition Metal Chemistry, Chalcogenide Chemistry, Bio-inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry: Experimental Bio-Physical Chemistry, Photo-Physical Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Heterogeneous Catalysis


 Construction Technology and Management: Infrastructure Management, Construction Management Geoinformatics: Microwave Remote Sensing, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry Water Resources Engineering: Groundwater Modelling, Computational and Experimental Hydraulics


Computer Networks and Technologies, High Performance / Distributed and Cloud Computing, Software Engineering and Software Defined Networks, Theoretical Computer Science and Algorithms, Information Security, Computational Intelligence Systems and Techniques


Control and Automation, Instrumentation, Smart Grid and Electric Vehicles, Renewable Energy Systems, Power system: Protection / Deregulation / Energy Markets,  Signal Processing, High Voltage and Insulation Engineering, Power Electronics & Drives / Industrial Electronics 


Embedded systems / VLSI, Speech / Image / Video / Biomedical Signal Processing, Wireless / Optical Communications and Networks,  RF and Microwaves, 5G / 6G Technologies, Analog and Mixed Signal Design / Device Modeling


English: ELT, Literature, Linguistics  Economics


IT and Systems, Business Analytics & Technology Management, Operations Management, Marketing, Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management, Finance & Accounting


Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Differential Equations, Topology, Theoretical Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and


Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Data Science, Databases, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, Analysis of Algorithms


Industrial Engineering, Automobile Engineering


Computational Material Science / Engineering, Extractive Metallurgy, Structural Integrity and Damage Evaluation, Bio-Materials, Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation, Surface Engineering, Process Modelling, Electronic Materials and Devices


Electronics, Instrumentation, Materials Science, Photonics, Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Applied Physics

Age limit:  The upper age limit for candidates applying for Assistant Professor Grade II with Pay level 10 is 35 years, Assistant Professor Grade I is 40 years, Associate Professor is 45 years and Professor is 50 years. However, in exceptional cases, the candidates with high value of sponsored R & D grants/publication record / Ph.D. guidance, age can be relaxed but not exceeding 60 years for the fresh recruits. Age relaxation, as per the orders of the Government of India, will be applicable.

Application Fees: 


Application Fee

Unreserved/ OBCNCL/ EWS




Indian citizens applying from abroad (for all categories)


Selection Process: All online applications received till a cut-off date against Rolling Advertisement will be taken into consideration for selection process comprising of scrutiny, and shortlisting (higher criteria than the cumulative essential credit points / written test). Further shortlisting may be adopted through the presentation of teaching & research seminars. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for personal interviews before the duly constituted selection committee.

  1. Applications and supporting documents will be accepted online only. Any applications (and the supporting documents) received by way of other means such as post/ e-mail, etc., will be summarily rejected and will not be considered under any circumstances.
  2. Candidates interested in applying for one or more posts may apply through the online recruitment portal available at by paying a non-refundable application fee as given below, for each post applied for. Online applications can be filled in multiple sessions. The applicants who have applied against the previous notification (ref No.: NITW/Admn/T01/Rolling/2024/ dt. 10th January 2024) and could not be considered due to the non-availability of a vacancy, may update their application for the same post (and category) without the application fee. However, a fresh online application is to be submitted if applying for a different position. Candidates who have applied for Pay Level- 11 in the previous advertisement, may update their application for consideration to Assistant Professor Grade –I and Assistant Professor Grade –II (Pay Level-10) without the application fee.
For detailed guidelines on submission of applications, candidates may visit the Online Recruitment Portal at

Last Date for Apply: Rolling Advertisement

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