NIT Raipur invites applications for Regular Faculty positions spread across various departments


The National Institute of Technology, Raipur invites online applications from Indian Nationals, possessing excellent academic records along with commitment to quality teaching and research, for the posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor in various Departments of the Institute.


The position(s) of Professor at Pay Level 14A, are available in the Departments of 
1) Biomedical Engineering.
2) Chemistry
3) Information Technology 

Category-wise distribution of these positions is: For Professor: backlog vacancy (ST – 02 and OBC – 01) 

The position(s) of Associate Professor at Pay Level 13A2, are available in the Departments of
1) Architecture and Planning
2) Biomedical Engineering
3) Biotechnology
4) Chemical Engineering
5) Chemistry
6) Information Technology
7) Mechanical Engineering
8) Mining Engineering and 
9) Physics. 
Category-wise distribution of these positions is: For Associate Professor: backlog vacancy (SC- 02, ST - 02, and OBC – 05) 

The position(s) of Assistant Professor Grade II, at Pay Level 10, are available in the Departments of 
1) Biomedical Engineering
2) Biotechnology
3) Chemical Engineering
4) Chemistry
5) Civil Engineering
6) Computer Science & Engineering
7) Mining Engineering, 
8) Physics, 
Category-wise distribution of these positions is: For Assistant Professor, Grade II: UR-06, OBC-02, backlog vacancy (SC- 01 and OBC – 01(in the Mining Engineering Department)) 

The position(s) of Assistant Professor Grade I, at Pay Level 12, are available in the Departments of 
1) Applied geology,
2) Architecture and Planning
3) Biomedical Engineering
4) Biotechnology
5) Chemical Engineering
6) Chemistry
7) Civil Engineering
8) Computer Science & Engineering
9) Electrical Engineering, 
10) Electronic and Communication Engineering,
11) Humanities and Social Science 
12) Information Technology
13) Mathematics
14) Computer Application 
15) Mechanical Engineering, 
16) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 
17) Mining Engineering, 
18) Physics. 

Category-wise distribution of these positions is: For Assistant Professor, Grade I: UR-08, SC-02, EWS-01, ST-01, OBC-06. 


Prescribed Minimum Qualification and Experience: 

The qualification and other terms and conditions of appointment of academic staff as specified under Schedule ‘E’ of NIT Statutes (Amended 2017) (Ref. Gazette of India No. 651, dated July 24, 2017) shall be read in conjunction with the guidelines or clarifications issued with the approval of the Council on 13th September 2017; 30th November 2017, 4th December 2017; 31st January 2018; 20th April 2018; and 16th April 2019 and other amendments issued by MoE, Govt of India from time to time (available at\recruitment_rules)(Annexure I). Candidates are required to carefully go through the details of the posts and instructions available on the Institute Website before applying to ensure their eligibility for the post.

In addition to the above, the following criteria would be desirable for the recruitment process 


Desirable criteria 

Professor (Level 14A)

Good quality publications with at least 20 papers in SCI/SCIE/SSCI Journals.  At least three, in combination of ongoing/ completed externally sponsored research projects AND/OR patent granted. Supervised at least two Ph.D. completed and one ongoing. Organized three activities in cumulative of Conference(s) OR at least 5 days Workshop/ STTP/FDP course(s).

Associate Professor (Level 13A2)

Good quality publications with at least 10 papers in SCI/SCIE/SSCI Journals. At least two, in combination of ongoing/ completed externally sponsored research projects AND/OR patent granted.  Supervised at least one Ph.D. completed and one ongoing. Organized two activities in cumulative of Conference(s) OR at least 5 days Workshop/ STTP/FDP course(s).

Assistant Professor (Level -12)

Good quality publications with at least 5 papers in SCI/SCIE/SSCI Journals.  At least one ongoing/ completed externally sponsored research project OR one patent granted. Supervised at least one Ph.D. completed/ ongoing. Organized one Conference OR at least 5 days Workshop/ STTP/FDP course.

Assistant Professor (Level -10)

(a) Good quality publications with at least 3 papers in SCI/SCIE/SSCI Journals.  

Age Limit: 
  •  Below 60 years, however candidates within 35 years will be preferred for the entry-level post of Assistant Professor Level 10 and 12.
  • Age Relaxation: Age relaxation may be given for SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD candidates as per the Govt. of India (GoI) norms.  

Application Processing Fee: Each application must be accompanied by a non-refundable Processing Fee of Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) for UR/OBC/EWS applicants and Rs. 1250/- (Rupees One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Only) for SC/ ST/ PWD applicants. No Processing Fee is required from the existing regular Faculty of NIT Raipur. For the candidates applying from abroad, application fee will be Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only).


a) Please note that application(s) filled only through the official portal in the institute website ( shall be accepted. Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted but summarily rejected. Applicants are required to apply separately for different Posts in the same discipline or in different Disciplines/Departments. A print-out of the application form obtained from the Online Portal, duly signed by the candidate, should be sent to the Institute along with self-attested photocopies of the supporting documents, testimonials, and the proof(s) of Fee paid. The duly completed Application Form along with all above-mentioned enclosures must be sent by Speed/Registered Post/By Hand to the Registrar, National Institute of Technology Raipur, Raipur -492010, Chhattisgarh, India, failing which their candidature will not be considered. 

b) Complete hardcopy of the Application Form(s) for each applied Branch/Discipline/ Post must be submitted in separate envelopes. The envelope containing the application must be superscribed as Application for the Post of ‘Assistant Professor’/ ‘Associate Professor’/ ‘Professor’ in the Department of ………………………………”

Please note that the deadline for online application is 10/01/2025 till 5:30 PM and the last date for receiving hard copies of the print-out of the online application prepared as given in point above, is 17/01/2025 up to 5:30 PM.

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