Principal Investigator: Prof. S.N. Tripathi
Project description: Source Apportionment (SA) is the process of discovering the anthropogenic sources of particulate matter (PM) levels, natural sources (eg. dust etc) and their relative contributions. SA is a vital tool that helps policy makers understand the major pollutants and take appropriate action to curb pollution levels.The proposed project seeks to establish a novel technique called Dynamic Hyper-local Source Apportionment (DHSA) for real-time and cost effective SA. DHSA seeks to use data from Sensor Ambient Air Quality Monitor (SAAQM), such as gas sensors, meteorological sensors and PM sensors and employ machine-learning techniques to convert SAAQM data into SA information.
Tenure: 1 Years or till end of project (whichever earlier), renewed annually based on performance.
Essential Qualifications:
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering/Environmental Sciences/Atmospheric Sciences/Climate Sciences or closely related fields.
Relevant skills & experience
- Prior knowledge of research grade equipment such as AMS, Xact and Aethalometer, Gas analyzers etc. or readiness to learn about these quickly and ability to work in field on a mobile lab.
- Strong background in atmospheric science, air quality research.
- Significant background in handling and processing large data sets.
- Prior field work experience in air quality monitoring and in operating and maintaining air quality monitoring sensors.
- Impressive publication record in high-impact air quality research journals. Knowledge of any scientific programming language.
Fellowship: INR 60000-5000-85000 per month (Salary shall be commensurate with experience & skills)
How to apply: Interested candidates may apply via email (to dstccp@gmail.com) with a resume giving full details of qualifications and experience with copies of relevant certificates by November 25, 2024. *Extended till December 15, 2024.
Selection: The department reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience. The selection will be based on offline and/or online interview. Only short listed candidates will be informed via email about the date of interview.
Application Deadline: 15th December 2024.
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