IIT Palakkad invites applications for Regular Faculty Positions at various Departments. Huge opportunity for Ph.D holders


Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, an Institute of National Importance under the Ministry of Education invites online applications from candidates with an established record of independent high-quality research, and commitment to teaching and research, for faculty positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor Gr. I and Gr. II (as per the 7th Central Pay Commission). Candidates from SC/ ST/OBC categories and women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for the following positions. 

  1. Chemistry
  2. Civil Engineering
  3. Computer Science and Engineering
  4. Data Science 
  5. Electrical Engineering
  6. Humanities and Social Sciences 
  7. Mathematics
  8. Mechanical Engineering
  9. Physics
Qualification: Ph.D. in the relevant area of research, with first class or equivalent at the preceding (penultimate) degree in the appropriate branch with a consistently good academic record throughout. 

Professor: At least 10 years of industrial / research/teaching experience (post-Ph.D.) of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, NITs, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign institution/institutions of comparable standards. The candidate must have a proven track record of research student guidance, research publications in peer-reviewed journals/conferences, and sponsored research/consultancy projects. 

Associate Professor: At least 6 years of industrial / research/teaching experience (post Ph.D.) of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor Gr. I (Pay Level 12 in 7th CPC) or equivalent. The candidate must have a proven track record of research student guidance, research publications in peer-reviewed journals/conferences, and sponsored research/consultancy projects. 

Assistant Professor Gr. I (Level 12): At least 3 years of industrial / research/teaching experience excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D. 

Assistant Professor Gr. II (Level 10 and 11): Those with industrial / research/teaching experience of less than three years (post-Ph.D.) will be considered only for this post.

Reservations: Relaxation in age to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes - Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL), Persons with Disabilities (PwD) would be admissible as per Government of India norms. Three-year age relaxation will be given for women candidates where no other relaxation is applicable.

Age limit: 
  1. Professor: Preferably less than 55 years* 
  2. Associate Professor: Preferably less than 45 years* 
  3. Assistant Professor: Preferably less than 35, but not exceeding 40 years. 
* May be relaxed in exceptional cases. 

Scale of Pay: 
Professor: Pay level 14A (Rs.1,59,100-Rs.2,20,200) 
Associate Professor: Pay Level 13A2 (Rs.1,39,600- 2,11,300/-) 
Assistant Professor Grade-I:  
Level 12 (Rs.101500 -Rs.167400)
Assistant Professor Grade II: Level 10 (Rs.57700-98200) 
                                                   Level 11 (Rs. 68900 - Rs. 117200)

  1. Applications are to be submitted online through the portal at https://facap.iitpkd.ac.in wherein all necessary instructions may be found. 
  2. Applicants should click on the “Submit” button to complete the submission. The applicant will receive an email confirming the submission of the application. 
  3. The completed application along with all enclosures should be submitted through the portal on or before 23:59 hrs., 18 November 2024. 
The last date for Apply is 18 November 2024 before 23:59 hrs.

 Click here for more details: Click

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