Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, an Institute of National Importance under the Ministry
of Education invites online applications from candidates with an established record of
independent high-quality research, and commitment to teaching and research, for faculty
positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor Gr. I and Gr. II
(as per the 7th Central Pay Commission). Candidates from SC/ ST/OBC categories and women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for the following positions.
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Data Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
Qualification: Ph.D. in the relevant area of research, with first class or equivalent at the preceding
(penultimate) degree in the appropriate branch with a consistently good academic record
Professor: At least 10 years of industrial / research/teaching experience (post-Ph.D.) of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate
Professor in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, NITs, and IISERs or at an
equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign institution/institutions of comparable standards. The candidate must have a
proven track record of research student guidance, research
publications in peer-reviewed journals/conferences, and sponsored
research/consultancy projects.
Associate Professor: At least 6 years of industrial / research/teaching experience (post
Ph.D.) of which at least three years should be at the level of
Assistant Professor Gr. I (Pay Level 12 in 7th CPC) or equivalent.
The candidate must have a proven track record of research student
guidance, research publications in peer-reviewed
journals/conferences, and sponsored research/consultancy projects.
Assistant Professor Gr. I
(Level 12):
At least 3 years of industrial / research/teaching experience
excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Gr. II
(Level 10 and 11): Those with industrial / research/teaching experience of less than
three years (post-Ph.D.) will be considered only for this post.
Reservations: Relaxation in age to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes -
Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL), Persons with Disabilities (PwD) would be admissible as per
Government of India norms. Three-year age relaxation will be given for women candidates
where no other relaxation is applicable.
Age limit:
- Professor: Preferably less than 55 years*
- Associate Professor: Preferably less than 45 years*
- Assistant Professor: Preferably less than 35, but not exceeding 40 years.
* May be relaxed in exceptional cases.
Scale of Pay:
Professor: Pay level 14A (Rs.1,59,100-Rs.2,20,200)
Associate Professor: Pay Level 13A2 (Rs.1,39,600- 2,11,300/-)
Assistant Professor Grade-I: Level 12
(Rs.101500 -Rs.167400)Assistant Professor Grade II: Level 10 (Rs.57700-98200)
Level 11 (Rs. 68900 - Rs. 117200)
- Applications are to be submitted online through the portal at wherein all necessary instructions may be found.
- Applicants should click on the “Submit” button to complete the submission. The applicant will receive an email confirming the submission of the application.
- The completed application along with all enclosures should be submitted through the portal on or before 23:59 hrs., 18 November 2024.