IIT GOA invites applications for Regular faculty positions (Special Recruitment Drive) spread across various departments


Indian Institute of Technology Goa invites applications from Indian nationals belonging to reserved categories: SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS, possessing excellent academic background, commitment to top quality teaching, and proven credentials for carrying out outstanding research and development, without any compromise on qualification, experience, and competence, for Assistant Professor positions in the schools and for specializations as mentioned below. Applicants who have applied in the past may reapply if they wish. 





School of Mechanical Sciences

Mechanical Engineering

Dynamics and vibrations

Computational and theoretical solid mechanics

Industrial engineering (Industry 4.0)

Manufacturing (Non-conventional machining, metal forming, smart manufacturing)

School of Mathematics and Computer Science


Theoretical PDEs

Probability Theory and Statistics

Number Theory 

Applied Mathematics including Scientific Computing (Optimizations, Game Theory, and High-Performance Computing)


Computer Science and Engineering

Programming languages (Principles of programming languages, Software engineering)

Computing systems (Database management, Distributed and Parallel computing)


Cybersecurity (Cryptography)

Data Science (Natural language processing, data mining)

School of Electrical Sciences

Electrical Engineering

Digital/Mixed-Signal/RF IC Design

Embedded System Design

Control Systems

School of Chemical and Materials Sciences

Materials Sciences and Engineering

Advanced Functional Materials including space and biomedical applications

Semiconductor and Quantum Materials

Materials for Energy and Environment

Chemical Engineering

Applications of AI/ML to Chemical Engineering

Complex fluids or Soft Matter

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering

Process intensification and control systems Energy and Sustainability


Theoretical and Computational Quantum Chemistry

Main Group


Organic Materials

Bio-inorganic/Metalloprotein/ Metalloenzymes 

Bio Catalysis

Solid State Chemistry, Functional materials, Polymers

Fluorescence microscopy and imaging

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Literature (Digital Humanities, Environmental Humanities)

Microeconomics, Financial Economics

Computational Economics

Computational Social Sciences in relation to Sociology

School of Physical Sciences


Experimental high-energy physics

Experimental active matter/biological soft matter

Theoretical dark matter and dark energy, Neutron star, Numerical relativity

Theoretical quantum computing and quantum information theory

Experimental condensed matter (Ultra-cold atom, quantum anomalous hall effect, topological quantum matter, electron hydrodynamics)

School of Interdisciplinary Life Sciences

Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Medical devices, BioMEMS, Biomechanics

Immunoengineering, Tissue engineering, Genetic engineering

Qualification: Ph.D. in the relevant area of research, with first class or equivalent at the preceding (penultimate) degree in the appropriate branch with a consistently good academic record throughout. 

Assistant Professor Gr. I (Level 12): At least 3 years of industrial / research/teaching experience excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D. 

Assistant Professor Gr. II (Level 10 and 11): Those with industrial / research/teaching experience of less than three years (post-Ph.D.) will be considered only for this post.

Scale of Pay: 
Assistant Professor Grade-I:  Level 12 (Rs.101500 -Rs.167400)
Assistant Professor Grade II: Level 10 (Rs.57700-98200) 
                                                   Level 11 (Rs. 68900 - Rs. 117200)

Probation: The probation period in regular appointments at all posts will be normally one year. However, the Institute may extend it if found necessary. 

Application fee: There is no application fee

HOW TO APPLY:  Please click on the apply online link for online application for this recruitment drive. The online application portal will be available till 10:00 AM on 23 November 2024.

 Click here for more details: Click

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