IISER Bhopal invites applications from individuals with excellent academic record throughout, in addition to proven track record of research ability and commitment to superior teaching and research for vacant positions at the level of Assistant Professor in the thrust areas of the relevant Departments.
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemical Engineering
- Data Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Economic Sciences
- Humanities and Social Sciences
Qualification and Experience:
For the post of Assistant Professor Grade I:
Eligibility criteria:
- Ph.D. with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree. Specialization in the appropriate area / branch with excellent academic record throughout, in addition to proven track record of outstanding research ability.
- Candidates with atleast three years of post-PhD industrial / research / teaching experience may be considered for this post.
Salary Structure : Pay Level 12 with initial pay of ₹1,01,500/-
Placement : Candidates possessing the degree of Ph.D. in the relevant discipline and with regular service of 3 years at Pay Level 12 shall be considered for placement to Pay Level 13A1 with an initial pay of ₹ 1,31,400/-, subject to evaluation of performance.
Selection Process: The applications received for a particular Department are shortlisted by the Departmental Faculty Affairs Committee (DFAC) based on the overall suitability that includes several components such as the application, seminar, and inputs from faculty members of the Department. Institute Faculty Affairs Committee (IFAC) reviews the report submitted by the DFAC and takes a decision on further shortlisting of candidates for an interview.
How to Apply:
1. Applications are to be submitted online through the recruitment portal link for this advertisement at https://www.iiserb.ac.in/dofa/faculty_recruitment. The necessary instructions for filling up the application form are available on the recruitment portal.
2. Applicants must note that there is also an active rolling advertisement. Applications submitted against the said rolling advertisement will not be considered under this SRD advertisement.
3. The last date of submission of online applications against this SRD advertisement is 30th November, 2024.
4. For any technical help in filling up the online application form, please write us on email- id cas@iiserb.ac.in with a copy to office_dofa@iiserb.ac.in.