Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (CUPB) offers Regular Faculty Positions in Various Departments


The Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (CUPB) invites Online Applications from eligible candidates for the regular posts of Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors as per the following details:


Post (No. – Category)


Applied Agriculture

Professor (1-ST)


Applied Agriculture (Agribusiness)

Assistant Professor (1-OBC)

Master’s degree, NET/Ph.D. degree in Agribusiness is required.

Computer  Science & Technology

Professor (1-OBC)


Economic Studies

Professor (1-OBC)

This is the lien vacancy initially up to 18.01.2025 or till the period the lien holder reverts back, whichever is earlier. In case the lien holder opts to be absorbed in the new organization, the incumbent recruited against the lien vacancy may be considered for regularization.

Financial Administration

Associate Professor (1-ST)

It is clarified that a Master degree, NET/Ph.D. must be qualified in subject of Commerce/Management.


Professor (1-OBC)


Library & Information Science

Professor (1-SC)


Library & Information Science

Associate Professor (1-OBC)*


Mass Comm. & Media Studies

Professor (1-PWD-c)

This post is reserved for PWD-c. If a suitable person having a disability (PWD- c) does not become available, the vacancy will be treated as reserved for other sub-categories viz. PWD-a or PWD-b or PWD-d&e. If no suitable disabled person becomes available in either of these categories also, the vacancy will be treated as Unreserved and filled as Unreserved vacancy by the abled body candidates. Therefore, candidates belonging to the PWD categories as well as abled body candidates may also apply for this post.

Performing and Fine Arts

Professor (1-ST) 


Performing and Fine Arts

Assistant Professor (1-PwD-b)


Pharma. Sc. and Natural Products

Professor (1-OBC)


Physical Education

Professor (1-SC)



Associate Professor (1-SC) 



Associate Professor (1-OBC)

This is the lien vacancy initially up to 05.11.2025 or till the period the lien holder reverts back, whichever is earlier. In case the lien holder opts to be absorbed in the new organization, the incumbent recruited against the lien vacancy may be considered for regularization.


Assistant Professor (1-ST)



Professor (1-OBC)


South & Central Asian Studies

Professor (1-OBC)


# The candidates, who had applied on this post against the previous Advertisement No. CUPB/23-24/020 dated 15.03.2024 is informed that this post has been withdrawn due to administrative reasons. However, any candidate who wishes to apply for this post will have to apply afresh as per the terms & conditions of this advertisement and they need not pay any application fee.

Essential Qualifications: 

  1. The qualification and experience required for teaching posts (other than given at Sr. 2 & 3 below) will be as per “UGC REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS AND OTHER ACADEMIC STAFF IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND MEASURES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2018 and its amendments from time-to-time. 
  2. For faculty positions of the Department for Education and Department of Physical Education, in addition to point No. 1 above, minimum eligibility conditions will be as per NCTE Regulations 2014 and its amendments from time to time for M.Ed. and M.P.Ed. respectively. 
  3. For the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural Products and Deptt. of Pharmacology, qualifications will be as per Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) Circular No.14-163/2021-PCI/12730 dated 08.08.2022, i.e. UGC (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education), 2010 and various amendments thereto from time-to-time. 
  4. For the Department of Computer Science & Technology, in addition to point No. 1 above, qualification as per AICTE guidelines is required. 
  5. For the Department of Financial Administration, it is clarified that a Master's degree, NET/Ph.D. must be qualified in the subject of Commerce/Management. 
  6. For the Department of Applied Agriculture, the following qualifications are required in addition to point No. 1 above: 
                    a) For Food Science and Technology specialization: a master’s degree and Ph.D. degree in Food Technology / Food Science & Technology / Food Processing Technology / Food Processing Engineering is required for Associate Professor. 
                    b) For agribusiness specialization, a master’s degree or NET/Ph.D. degree in agribusiness is required for the Assistant Professor and Associate Professor post. 

Reservation: The reservations/relaxations to SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PWD/EWS candidates will be provided as per the existing Govt. of India/UGC rules. The SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PWD/EWS candidates must upload the relevant certificate as per the format prescribed by the Government of India. OBC (Non Creamy Layer) and EWS certificate issued by the Competent Authority should be issued on or after 01.04.2024. However, the candidate may upload his/her previous OBC (NCL) certificate till the time he/she gets the renewed certificates (valid for the government of India jobs for the financial year 2024-25) from the issuing authority.

Application fees: All candidates are required to deposit an Application fee on the online portal @ Rs. 750/- for each post, they apply. However, the SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates are exempted from the application fee.

How to Apply: Applicants are required to apply online (through Link: https://curec.samarth.ac.in). The online link will be available till 04.12.2024 (by IST 05:00 PM).

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