Research Associate Position under SERB Funded Project at IISER PUNE. Apply soon


The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune is a premier institute dedicated to research and teaching in the basic sciences. It was established in 2006 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (renamed Ministry of Education in August 2020). In 2012, IISER Pune was declared as an Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament. The Institute invites applications from Indian nationals for the Research Associate position in the Department of Physics purely on a temporary and contractual basis.

Position:  Research Associate (01 Post)

Project Code: 30120523

Project Title: “Analysis of nonlinear nonlocal partial differential equations: A probabilistic viewpoint”

Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

Tenure:  Initially for a period of 6 months extendable for further period subject to satisfactory performance of the incumbent and continuation of the project.

Minimum educational QualificationPh.D. in Mathematics

Preference: Candidates with experience in the interplay between harmonic analysis and nonlocal operators will be preferred

  1. RA: Rs. 47,000/- + 24% (House Rent Allowance) 
  2. RA-II: Rs. 49,000/- + 24% (House Rent Allowance) [ For candidates having 1 year of post-doctoral experience.]
  3. RA-III: Rs. 54,000/- + 24% (House Rent Allowance) [For candidates having 2 years of post-doctoral experience]
Age Limit: 35 years [Age relaxation commensurate with educational qualification/s and/or experience/s of the applicant may be considered for candidates having qualifications and experience higher than the advertised with the prior approval of the competent authority.]

How to apply: Interested candidates should send the application by email in the prescribed format available as Apply Now below the advertisement (converted into PDF Format) addressed to on or before 30.10.2024. Please mention “Research Associate and Advt. No. 70/2024” in the subject line of the email.

A list of shortlisted candidates for the selection process with date, time, and other details will be put up on the institute website below this advertisement and candidates will be informed by e-mail only. 

The following will be collected and verified at an appropriate stage: 

1) Photocopies of relevant certificates and other testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experiences, etc. 

2) Recent passport-size color photograph.

Last date for apply: 30.10.2024 

For more details click here: Click

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