Recruitment of Assistant Professors at IIITDM Kurnool. Opportunity for PhD holders


Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Kurnool an Institute of national importance, established by an act of Parliament under Ministry of Education, Government of India, invites applications for Assistant professors on Temporary basis in the Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Engineering. Recruitment of such faculty will be done using guidelines issued by MHRD vide reference No. 27-1 1/201 1-Ts-I, dated 23rd April 2014 will be followed.

Department: Computer  Science  and  Engineering

No. Of  posts: 02 [# The number of Posts mentioned are indicative only. The institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any of the posts]

Essential Qualification Criteria
The essential qualification for these positions is M.Tech with First Class from C entrally Funded Technical Institutes, however those who have or submitted their thesis and waiting to defend their thesis are also eligible to apply. 

Broad specialization /Area: Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, Data Science, and other allied areas.
Tenure: This duration is for one semester from the eligible candidates and may be extended upto five semesters on semester-to-semester basis on recommendation.

Consolidated pay: The appointments of Assistant Professors (Temporary) monthly consolidated pay of Rs. 55,000/- per month with M.Tech qualification and Rs 70,000/ if Ph.D. is awarded. However, those who have submitted thesis may also apply; till their P
hD is awarded, their consolidated pay is kept at Rs. 65,000/-. 

Applications  Fees: Non-refundable application fee of Rs 500/- is to be paid in the form of Demand Draft in favour of "Registrar IITDM Kurnool". SC/ST, PwD, and Women candidates are not required to submit the application fee.

Application forms may be downloaded from the Institute's website: and filled in hard copy. The last date of receipt of the completed application form is 22.10.2024.

Envelope containing application form should be super-scribed with "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TEMPORARY FACULTY IN THE DISCIPLINE OF CSE" and should reach below mentioned address on or before 22-.10.2024

Applications complete in all respects should be sent by post at the following address: 

The Registrar
IIITDM Kurnool. 
Jagannathagattu, Kurnool, 
Andhra Pradesh -51 8008

Last Date for Apply: 22 October 2024

For more details Click here: Click

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