Indian Institute of Technology Delhi invites applications from Indian nationals only for Project Appointment for the consultancy/research project(s) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering purely on a contract basis.
Position: Project Scientist-ll (02)
Principal Investigator: Prof. Kaushik Mukherjee [email ID: km]
Title of the Project: Development of patient-specific additively manufactured mandibular implants with biotechnology-inspired functional lattice structures
Sponsor of the project: Indo-German Science & T Centre (IGSTC)
Tenure: Up to 30/03/2025
Essential Qualification: PhD (First Class) in Mechanical Engineering focusing on biomaterial or biomechanics is a mandatory requirement.
- The applicant must have at least five publications in international peer-reviewed journals of allied domains,
- The applicant must also have experience in lattice structure modeling, finite element, dynamic modeling, and biomedical image processing. The experiences should be clearly evident in the application
Fellowship: Rs 67,000/P.m. Plus HRA @27%
How to apply:
The candidates who are interested in applying for the above post should download Form No. IRD/REC-4 from the IRD Website ( or IIT Delhi and submit the duly filled form with complete information regarding educational qualifications indicating the percentage of marks/division, details of work experience, etc. by e-mail with Advertisement No. on the subject line to Prof. Kaushik Mukherjee at email ID: km
Note: IIT Delhi reserves the right to fix higher criteria for short-listing eligible candidates from those satisfying the advertised qualifications and requirements of the project post and their names will be displayed on the web link (iittp:// along with the online interview details. Only short-listed candidates will be informed of online Interviews. ln case any clarification is required on eligibility regarding the above post, the candidate may contact Prof. Kaushik Mukherjee @ email ID: km
Walk ln Test / Date of walk-in interview: October 15, 2024 (3p.m.)
For more details: Click Here