Position: Research Associate (RA)-I
Principal Investigator:
PI: Dr. Manu Vardhan, E-mail: mvardhan.cs@nitrr.ac.in
Co-PI: Dr. Vinay Pathak, Email: vinayphatak1986@gmail.com
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Title of The Project: Digitizing and Preserving the Heritage of Sirpur for Future Generation
Tenure of Project: 3-years (Co-terminus with the duration of the Project) subject to the satisfactory performance of the candidate in each semester. Initial appointment will be for one year, extendable by 2 more years on annual basis. The extension would be based on the satisfactory performance of the RA and possible extension of the project.
Essential Qualifications: PhD in CSE/IT/ECE/EE/Civil/other branches or having 3years of research, teaching and design and development experience after M.E./M.Tech/M.Sc in CSE/IT/ECE/EE/Civil/Other branches, from a recognized Institute/University with First division; with at-least one research paper in Science Citation.
How to apply: Eligible candidates shall apply with the scan-copy of the filled in application form available with this advertisement with all supporting documents as a Single PDF File and upload via Google form https://forms.gle/DzhpjsRiui5K7Jzk9n46jon or before 24/10/24.
- Candidates will be short listed for Interview based on merit and will be informed via email only.
- Shortlisted candidates shall appear in person with original marksheets and degree certificates, date of birth proof, identity proof along with any other relevant information (like copies of publications, experience certificates, awards, recommendations, etc.) and one set of self-attested copy of all testimonials.
- No travelling or any other allowances is admissible for attending the interview.
- Mere fulfilment of minimum educational qualification does not necessarily entitle applicants to be called for interview. The Institute reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates based on qualification and suitability.
Last date for apply: 24.10.2024
Tentative Interview date is 25/10/2024.
Candidates may contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Manu Vardhan, if they have any doubt regarding their eligibility.
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