NERIST Arunachal Pradesh invites applications for 55 faculty positions spread across 12 departments

Applications in prescribed format are invited from the citizens of lndia for filling up of the post of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professor in different departments of NERIST (Deemed to be University u/s 3 of the UGC.Act 1956), Nirjuli -791109, ltanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (Under the [Ministry of Education, Govt. of lndia).

  1. Department of Civil Engineering
  2. Department of Agricultural Engineering
  3. Department of Electrical Engineering
  4. Department of Electronics and Communication
  5. Department of  Mechanical Engineering 
  6. Department of Computer Science & Engineering
  7. Department of Forestry 
  8. Department of Physics
  9. Department of Chemistry 
  10. Department  of  Mathematics 
  11. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
  12. Centre for Management Studies 

No. of Vaccines:

Assistant Professor (Level - 10): 33
Associate Professor (Level - 13A): 17
Professor (Level- 14): 05


1.1 For the Post of Assistant Professor:
(a) Engineering / TechnologY
B.E. / B.Tech./ M.E, / M. Tech. in relevant branch with first class or equivalent in any one of the

1.2 For the Post of Associate Professor:
(a) Ph.D. degree in the relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor's or Master's level in the relevant branch.


(b) At least total 6 research publications in Scopus and SCI indexed journals


(c) Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching/ research / industry out of whic h atleast 2 years shall be Post Ph.D. experience.

1.3 For the Post of Professor:
(a) Ph.D. degree in relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor,s or Master,s level in the relevant branch.


(b) Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching/ research / industry out of which at least 3 years shall be at a post equivalent to that of an Associate professor.


(c) At least total 6 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in Scopus and SCI indexed journals and atleast 2 successful Ph.D. guided as Supervisor / Co-supervisor till the date of eligibitity.


At least l0 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in Scopus and SCI
indexed journals till the date of eligibility.
1.4 Qualifications for Faculties in science and Humanities:
The qualifications for recruitrnent for faculty in the disciplines of Basic Sciences, Social Science and Humanities shall be as per the UGC Notification No. F.1-212017(EC/PS) Dated 18th July, 2018 and UGC guidelines issued from time to time as reproduced below:
"UGC Notification No. F.1-2/2017(EC/PS) Dated 18th July, 2018

1.5 A minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed) at the Master's level shall be the essential qualification for direct recruitment of teachersand other equivalent cadres atany level.

Interested candidates may submit the softcopy of their application in prescribed format (Faculty posts, Annexure - I ) as given in the Institute website through email to The email application should contain the main application with certificate for reservation category as applicable. The last date of submitting application through email is 08/11/2024 (5.00 PM)

The signed hard copy of the application along with certified copies of all certificates/documents, two copies of recent passport size photograph (one should be pasted on the form) and a non-refundable application processing fee of Rs.1500/(SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, NERIST and payable at SBI NERIST (Code No. 18744) Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh should reach the Registrar, NERIST, Nirjuli, PIN -791 109, Arunachal Pradesh by Registered/Speed Post only, superscribing the envelope as "Application for the post of ..... "

Last Date of receipt of complete signed hard copy of application is l4/11/2024 (5.00 PM).

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