Institute Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at IISER Berhampur


IISER Berhampur is a premier autonomous Institution of National Importance funded by Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India for promoting high quality Science Education and Research. ISER Berhampur invites applications for Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in the Departmentof Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Earth & Environmental Sciences and Computer Science. The application must be submitted online by filling in the form available at:

Position:  Post-Doctoral Research fellow

Tenure:  The appointees will be called as Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PDRF) and the initial award will be for 1 year which can be extended for maximum of 3 years. The extension after each year will be after thorough review of the candidate's performance. Those who do not have PhD degree will be called as Research Associate (RA).

Minimum Qualifications: Minimum Qualifications: in respective discipline, with a consistently good academic record throughout. Candidates who have submitted the thesis and awaiting award of degree may also apply. These positions are open for candidates with 0-5 years of experience after obtaining 1 PhD degree.


Age: The upper age limit is preferably less than 35 years as on the date of application,

Accommodation: Suitable residential accommodation as per the Institute rules shall be provided on the campus on joining the Institute (subject to availability). In case of non-availability of residential accommodation, HRA as per GoI rules shall be admissible.

Leave Rules: Each postdoctoral fellow will be entitled for 30 days of Annual Leave in a calendar year. He/she will be entitled for on duty leave for attending conferences/workshop/seminars/academic visits as per institute rules. Leave on medical grounds can be granted for a maximum period of 15 days in a year on production of a valid medical certificate

Medical Facilities: Only OPD medical consultation will be provided to the postdoctoral fellows as per the Institute norms. However, candidates joining the Institute should have medical insurance of at least One lakh for the period of their stay at the Institute.

How to apply: The application must be submitted online by filling in the form available at:

Last date for apply: Rolling Advertisement 

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