Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) invites applications for Regular Faculty Positions

The Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) invites applications from exceptionally bright and motivated Indian nationals with an established record of high-quality research and development, and a strong commitment to teaching, for the post of Assistant Professor in its various scientific divisions, across all centers, as stated below.

Recruitments in higher positions (Associate Professor/Professor) may also be made depending on the experience and suitability of the candidate, and the requirements of the division. Duties include undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, research, research supervision, sponsored research, consultancy, training, and participation in institutional activities.

Scientific Divisions and Centres:


ISI Centres

Preferred areas

Statistical Sciences Division (StatSD)  







Computer and Communication Sciences Division (CCSD)

Bangalore Kolkata

All areas of Computer and Communication sciences.  

Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research Division (SQC&OR)





Statistics/ Operations Research


Operations Research


Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Division (TSMD)


Statistics/ Probability



Statistics; Differential Geometry/ Topology/ PDE

Social Sciences Division (SSD)



#Interested candidates can apply to a Scientific Division of their choice. Candidates wishing to be considered in more than one division should submit separate applications, mentioning the name of the respective division in each application.

Eligibility criteria: 


Minimum Qualifications & Experience*

Age limit**

Pay level (as per 7th CPC)


Ph.D. in the appropriate branch Made outstanding contributions in their area of research Supervised doctoral students/ major research projects. Should have at least 10 years of post-doctoral research/ teaching/ industrial experience (of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor/ Technical Officer Grade I/ Computer System Engineer Grade II/ Numerical Analyst Grade II or higher) as on the last date of application.

Preferably below 45 years 

Level 14A


Minimum Qualifications & Experience*

Age limit**

Pay level (as per 7th CPC)

Associate Professor

Ph.D. in the appropriate branch Made outstanding contributions in their area of research Supervised doctoral students/ major research projects. Should have at least 6 years of post-doctoral research/ teaching/ industrial experience (of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor/ Technical Officer Grade-II/ Computer Engineer/ Programmer, or higher as on the last date of application.

Preferably below 45 years

Level 13A2

Assistant Professor Grade I

Ph.D. in the appropriate branch;  Should have a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree with a very good academic record throughout  Should have at least 3 years (relaxable in exceptional cases) of post-Ph.D. research/ teaching/ industrial experience as on the last date of application.

Preferably below 35 years 

Level 12 (After completion of three years in service in Level 12, the pay will be fixed at Level 13A1.)

Assistant Professor Grade II

Ph.D. in the appropriate branch; Should have a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree with a very good academic record throughout 

Preferably below 35 years

Grade II: Level 10 (After one year of post-Ph.D. experience, these Assistant Professor Grade II shall be placed in the Pay Level 11.)   Temporary appointment for a maximum period of three years

** Age will be counted as on the date of advertisement. Age relaxation will be given as per rules of Government of India.

Selection Process: Faculty members at different levels will be recruited in the aforesaid scientific divisions, depending on the requirements of the divisions. Selection of faculty members will be carried out in the following stages. 

I. The applications received in each division will be screened and shortlisted based on satisfying minimum eligibility criteria, requirement of the division, merit of the applications along with lists of publications, research and teaching proposals, and the recommendation letters of the PhD/post-doc supervisor(s)/mentor(s), by the Divisional Screening Committee for Recruitment (DSC-R) of the concerned division. 

II. The shortlisted candidates will be called for presentations (research presentation and teaching Page 4 of 9 demonstration), and interaction with the faculty of concerned division(s) for further screening/shortlisting. 

III. Based on the above presentations and interaction, applications of the candidates shortlisted in Stage II will be sent for external review. 

IV. On completion of the review process, candidates may be asked to appear before the concerned Selection Committee for interaction/interview for final selection. Only the candidates to be called to appear before the Selection Committee will be informed by the Institute (by email).

How to Apply: Candidates must apply with a forwarding letter addressed to the Director, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata 700108, India, referring to Advertisement No. and its date. The following documents are required (in .pdf format) along with the forwarding letter. 

1. Filled in the Application Form in the proforma available (Annexure I) at the end of this advertisement 

2. Curriculum Vitae with a list of all publications 

3. Proposed research plan 

4. Proposed teaching plan at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels 

5. Caste and/or PwBD Certificate from the competent authority, as applicable 

6. Any other relevant information the applicant may wish to furnish 

7. Reprints of up to five important publications

All documents, in the order specified above, must be saved as a single PDF file, which MUST BE emailed to with a copy to the respective Professor-in-Charge/ Head, SQC&OR of the relevant Division as listed in the table below.

Scientific Division


Statistical Sciences Division

Computer and Communication Sciences Division

Social Sciences Division

Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research (SQC&OR) Division

Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Division

For any further information, please visit the respective divisional webpages available at and/or contact the professor-in-charge of the relevant division/head of the SQC&OR division.

The last date for submission of the complete application in the prescribed format along with requisite documents is 31 October 2024

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