Position: Research Associate-3
Department: Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications Centre (IKSMHA)
Name(s) of the Project Investigator(s): Prof. Varun Dutt (PI) and Prof. K V Uday (co-PI)
Title of the Project: Integrated Machine Learning and Remote Sensing for Real-Time Predictive Modeling of rainfall-Induced Landslides in Kamand Valley
Tenure of Project: In months: 36 End date: 13/10/2027
Minimum qualifications: Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering/Electronics Engineering/Civil Engineering or allied areas with 60% or higher marks.
Desirable qualifications: Experience in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), Python, InSAR analyses, and a strong command of the English language.
Fellowship: INR 67,000+HRA as per norms/month
How to apply: The candidates who are interested to apply for the above post should submit their details and CV online via the following link for the interview through advertisement (before 10 PM on 30th October 2024):
The CV may have personal details, academic qualifications, research experience, publications, name, affiliation and mobile number, and name and email address of two referees. IIT Mandi reserves the right to fix higher criteria for shortlisting eligible candidates from those satisfying advertised qualifications and requirements of the project post. The name of the shortlisted candidates will be either displayed on the website or communicated individually along with the offline/online interview details.
Last Date for Apply: 30th October, 2024 (Before 10P.M)