Position: Research Associate
Coordinator: Prof. A. J. Shaiju, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Tenure of Project: Initially for one year, later extendable based on the performance
Job Description:
- To take major academic responsibility in carrying out research in the project titled “Characterization of stable sets of strategy profiles in games with continuous strategy spaces"
- To assist the PI in the dissemination of research outputs obtained in the project.
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. in Mathematics with consistently excellent academic record. Candidates with specialization in Game theory/optimization/differential equations are preferred.
Fellowship: Rs. 58000+ HRA Per month
How to apply: Eligible Candidates should apply online only at the website https://icandsr.iitm.ac.in/recruitment/ - (Please check the advertisement number Advt. 156/2024 displayed and submit the application for the relevant position).
Note: If there is any issue with submitting the application please send an E-mail to: recruitment@imail.iitm.ac.in / icsrrecruitment@iitm.ac.in Contact: 044- 2257 9796 on all working days from 9.00 AM to 05.30 PM (Monday to Friday – except National Holidays). (Please note, only technical issues will be accepted – No interim correspondence concerning the selection process will be considered)
Last date for apply:20.10.2024
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