IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites applications for Post-Doctoral Fellow positions

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites applications from Indian nationals for the Post-Doctoral Research fellow positions in the Medical Ultrasound Engineering (MUSE) Lab, purely on a contract basis.

Position: Post-Doctoral Research fellow (02 Posts)

Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Vimal Mishra

Title of the project: Major Research and Development Programme (MRDP) in Hydroclimate Extremes.

Project Description: The Major Research and Development Programme (MRDP) in Hydroclimate Extremes focuses on hydroclimatic extremes' increasing frequency and intensity—such as floods, droughts, and heatwaves — primarily driven by anthropogenic warming. These events have severely impacted agriculture, infrastructure, and human lives. Although climate change impacts are increasingly understood, significant gaps exist in translating this knowledge into actionable solutions to enhance climate adaptation and resilience across critical sectors like water, agriculture, and infrastructure. The project addresses these gaps by advancing climate science, developing decision-support tools, and engaging stakeholders to build climate resilience.

Essential Qualifications: Applications are invited from candidates who have completed (or thesis submitted and are waiting for Defense) a PhD in Civil Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (or equivalent). Background in hydrology, data analysis, spatial modeling, and database development with prior publications in top journals is mandatory.

Preferred Skills:

  • Proficiency in Python, MATLAB, C++, R.
  • Significant experience in hydrology and weather models (VIC, WRF, Noah-MP, CLM, CaMa-Flood, H08).
  • Familiarity with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques.

Duration: The appointment is for one year, with the possibility of extension for a second year based on performance.

Fellowship amount: ₹58,000 per month with 27% HRA (consolidated with no other allowances).

How to Apply: Applicants should submit the following documents in PDF format using the online link (https://forms.gle/ZuwAnK5HnnqPutkz7):

  1. One-page research proposal relevant to the project but with little deviation.
  2. Detailed Curriculum Vitae.
  3. Copy of three best publications.
  4. Contact information (preferably email ID) of three referees.

Last date for applying 15th November 2024.

For more details, please get in touch with the PI: [vmishra@iitgn.ac.in]

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