IIIT Ranchi invites Applications for Regular Faculty Positions



Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi is an autonomous institute set up by the MoE, Government of India, and Government of Jharkhand along with the industry partners Tata Technologies Limited, TCS, and CCL on a Public Private Partnership.

The Institute is looking for dedicated, committed, and research-oriented Indian Nationals including persons of Indian origins and overseas citizens of India to fill up the vacancies through Direct Recruitment. Online applications are invited from Indian nationals in the prescribed application form for the post of Assistant Professor positions in various Departments at IIIT Ranchi.

  1. Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
  2. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
  3. Department of Sciences 
  4. Department of Humanities and Management
Minimum Qualification and Experience:

Assistant Professor Grade – II (On Contract) in Level 10:
  • Essential Qualification: PhD with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades etc.) at the preceding degree in the relevant branch of Engineering/ Management / Sciences (Mathematics/ Physics), with a very good academic record throughout.
  • Other Essential Requirement: None
  • Additional Desirable Requirements:  One publication in an SCI Journal
Assistant Professor Grade – II (On Contract) in Level 11:
  • Essential Qualification: PhD with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades etc.) at the preceding degree in the relevant branch of Engineering/ Management / Sciences (Mathematics/ Physics), with a very good academic record throughout.
  • Other Essential Requirement: One year after Ph.D. One paper was accepted for publication in the SCI Journal. 
  • Additional Desirable Requirements: Two papers in SCI Journals or one patent; may be based on Ph.D. work.
Assistant Professor Grade - I (In Level 12):
  • Essential Qualification: PhD with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades etc.) at the preceding degree in the relevant branch of Engineering/ Management / Sciences (Mathematics/ Physics), with a very good academic record throughout.
  • Other Essential Requirement: Three years after Ph.D. or six years total teaching and research experience in reputed academic institutes or Research and Development Labs or relevant industry.
Note: For both the departments (CSE and ECE) candidates having PhD degrees after B.Tech /B.E will also be considered. Candidates must have first class in the preceding degree.

Age Limit: Preferably below 40 years. Relaxation in age as per GoI norms shall be provided. [Note: Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of faculty with exceptionally brilliant research careers and with ongoing or approved externally funded research projects.]

  1. The Application Form shall not be supplied on request. The candidates are advised to download the same from the Institute Website www.iiitranchi.ac.in. 
  2. the candidates are advised to register on the following Google form link: (LINK) form by 10th November 2024 (11:55 PM).
  3. After filling in the registration details on the above link, candidates are advised to send the generated PDF file, duly filled signed application form downloaded from the website (www.iiitranchi.ac.in) along with all supporting documents in a single PDF file through email at email ID: recruitment@iiitranchi.ac.in by 17th November 2024
  4. The hard copy of the application form duly signed and registered Google form [ as per item no. 7 (ii)] with the self-attested photocopies of certificates/testimonials, etc., should reach to 
The Registrar, Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi, ARTTC BSNL Campus, Getlatu, Near Jumar River Bridge, P.O.: Neori Vikas Vidyalaya SO, Hazaribagh Road, Ranchi -835217 (Jharkhand) 

by Speed Post/Registered Post on or before 17/11/2024 up to 5:00 PM super scribing on the cover “Application for the post of Assistant Professor Grade: Level: ____in the Department of ____________________________ vide advt. no. _____________”.

Applications will not be received in any other mode of delivery  (e.g. hand delivery). All applications which are not in prescribed form / without relevant supporting enclosures / received after the last date will be outrightly rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. Interim correspondence will also not be entertained. 

Last date for Apply: 10th November 2024 (11:55 PM)

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