132 Regular Faculty Positions at NIT Jalandhar


Dr B R AMBEDKAR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JALANDHAR invites applications from qualified and motivated candidates for the post of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors in various departments of the institute.

  1. BT-Biotechnology
  2. CH-Chemical Engineering
  3. CE- Civil Engineering
  4. CS- Computer Science & Engineering
  5. IT- Information Technology
  6. EC- Electronics & Communication Engineering
  7. IC- Instrumentation & Control Engineering
  8. EE- Electrical Engineering
  9. IP-Industrial & Production Engineering
  10. ME- Mechanical Engineering
  11. TT- Textile Technology
  12. PH- Physics
  13. CY- Chemistry
  14. MC- Mathematics & Computing
  15. HM-Humanities & Management
Reservations: As per Government of India norms. 

Total No. of posts: 132
Assistant Professor Grade-II (Pay Level 10): 69
Assistant Professor Grade-I (Pay Level 12): 26
Associate Professor (Pay Level 13A2): 31
Professor (Pay Level 14A): 06

Essential Qualifications:

1) Engineering Department: UG and PG degrees in engineering with PhD in relevant 
branch/discipline of engineering 
Integrated UG and PG in engineering, and PhD in relevant branch/discipline of engineering 
UG in engineering, and integrated PG and PhD in relevant branch/discipline of engineering. 

For the Candidates having PhD. degree in engineering directly after graduation (BE/B Tech etc.), the candidates should have either B. E / B. Tech or Ph D from CFTI. Those candidates will also be considered provided they fulfil other norms.

2) Physics / Chemistry: PhD with BSc (3 years/4 years) and MSc (in appropriate branch) or Integrated MSc with PhD in appropriate branch.

3) Mathematics & Computing: B. Tech. / M. Tech. in Computer Science / Information Technology / Data Science / Mathematics and Computing
Integrated M. Sc. / M. Tech. in Computer Science / Data Science / Statistics
B. Sc. and M. Sc. in Computer Science / Data Science / Statistics
Ph. D. in relevant fields mentioned above.

4) Management: PhD in Management with any Bachelor’s degree (3/4 years) and MBA or equivalent Master’s degree in Management or equivalent PGDM (2 years) as per Association of Indian Universities, or PhD in Management with integrated Master’s degree in Management.

5) Humanities: PhD in Humanities with any bachelor’s degree (3/4 years) and master’s degree in appropriate branch of Humanities or PhD in Humanities with integrated master’s degree in appropriate branch of Humanities.

All new entrants should have PhD in the relevant or equivalent discipline and should have first class in preceding degrees. New entrant means a candidate who is not an existing faculty member of Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar. 

For all the above, one of the degrees at UG / PG / PhD level must have been obtained from CFTIs / Central and State Government Universities or Institutions or University / Institution listed amongst top 100 NIRF ranking of MoE, anytime for any two years.

In case the degree is not covered above and the degree is obtained from any foreign Institution, the Institute should have once remained within QS / Times Higher Education (THE) ranking of 500.

Age Limit: Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of faculty with exceptionally brilliant research/academic career and with ongoing or approved externally funded research project(s).

Online applications may be uploaded till 12.00 midnight on 18-11- 2024, the link for the same will be activated on the Institute website www.nitj.ac.in by 18-10-2024, 2024. The candidates need to apply online and also submit a hard copy of the application. The hard copy of the online submitted application along with all prescribed supporting self-attested documents must reach the office of the REGISTRAR, Dr B R AMBEDKAR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, PO-REC CAMPUS, JALANDHAR, PUNJAB. PIN-144008 BY 28-11-2024, (Till 5.00 PM). The overseas candidates are exempted from submission of hard copy. However, they are required to send all the supporting documents in a single pdf file by email at recruitmentfaculty2024@gmail.com and dfw@nitj.ac.in on or before the last date of submission of hard copies failing which the candidature will not be considered.

All pages of the hardcopy of the application with supporting documents must be numbered and an index should be provided in the application (hardcopy) with the mention of the appropriate document with the page number. Candidature will only be considered on receipt of both online as well as a hard copy of the application by the due dates, failing which it will be rejected. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed as:

APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (name of the post applied for) ………..,
ADVT NO…………………
DEPARTMENT OF (Name of the Department where the candidate has applied) …………

The last date for the submission of online applications is 18.11.2024.

Click here for more details: Click

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