Position: Institute Postdoctoral Fellow (IPDF)
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Department of BS and HSS- Chemistry
Eligibility Criteria:
- The applicant must have obtained the Ph.D. Degree from an Institute of Repute,
- NIT Mizoram PhD degree holders are not eligible under this scheme
- The applicant should have published at least 2 research papers in SCI/SCIE/SSCI
journals, - Women's PhD will be given preference.
How to apply:
1. Interested candidate[s) satisfying the eligibility criteria may submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) including all publication details, name of the Institute for MA/MSc/MTech and PhD along with the Name of the Supervisor, areas of research already conducted at Master's and PhD level or thereafter, the proposed areas of works with all attachments by email to:
(ii) Department of CSE- hod_cse@nitmz.ac.in
(iii) Department of ECE- hod_ece@nitmz.ac.in
(iv) Department of EE- hod_eee@nitmz.ac.in
(v) Department of ME- hod_me@nitmz.ac.in
(vi) Department of BS&HSS- hod_bshss@nitmz.ac.in
Fellowship (consolidated): The amount of the fellowship for IPDF will be fixed at Rs. 65,000 /- only per month inclusive of HRA for a period of one year and if the IPDF term is renewed for 1 more year then the fellowship will be Rs. 67,000/- only per month considering ~3% increase inclusive of HRA
Application Fees: Receipt of online payment of Rs.500/-for General/OBC OR Rs.200/- for SC/ST) in favor of 'Registrar, NIT Mizoram' payable at SBI Bangkawn Branch, Aizawl Mizoram should be provided in the Curriculum Vitae (CV). Transaction ID should be clearly mentioned at the end of the CV.
Name of Account: National Institute of Technology Mizoram
SBI Account No. :33755447886
Important Dates:
Application Deadline: 30th September 2024 (up to 5 p.m.)
The list of Selected Candidates shall be announced by 15th October 2024
Selected IPDF are expected to join by 1st November 2O24.
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