NIT Meghalaya invites applications for Regular Faculty Positions at Various Departments


National Institute of Technology Meghalaya invites applications in Prescribed Format from Indian Nationals and OCIs of all categories possessing consistently good academic records and requisite qualifications and experience for faculty (Assistant Professor (Grade-I & II)) positions in various Departments of the Institute.

  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Electronics & Communication Engineering
  3. Electrical Engineering
  4. Mechanical Engineering
  5. Chemical & Biological Science
  6. Mathematics
  7. Humanities & Social Sciences
Essential Qualifications & Requirements:

Name of the Post (Departments*)

Essential Qualification

Essential Requirements

Cumulative Essential Credits Points

Professor (Pay level 14A)


Ten years after Ph.D. or thirteen years total working experience, out of which seven years should be after Ph.D. At least three years at the level of Associate Professor with AGP of ₹9,500/- or four years at the level of Associate Professor with AGP ₹9,000/- or combination of ₹9,000/- and ₹9,500/-, or equivalent in an Institution of repute/ R&D lab or relevant industry


Associate Professor (Pay level 13 A2)

Ph. D

Six years after Ph.D. of which at least three years at the level of Assistant Professor with AGP ₹8,000/-. OR Nine years total working experience, of which three years should be after Ph.D., with at least three years at the level of Assistant Professor with AGP ₹8,000/-


Asst. Professor (Grade-I) (Pay level 12)

Ph. D

Three years after Ph.D. or six years total teaching and research experience in reputed academic Institute/ R&D Labs/ relevant industry


Asst. Professor (Grade-II) (Contract) (Pay level 10)

Ph. D



Department Wise Specialization:

Name of the Department




Civil Engineering


Water Resources


Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering


Semiconductor Devices & Circuits

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Machines & Drives. Power Electronics

Mechanical Engineering


Machine Design

Chemical & Biological Science


Theoretical Chemistry


Microbiology/Molecular and Cell Biology/ Biotechnology



Optimization/Numerical Analysis

Humanities and Social Science


Sociology, Psychology

Application Fees: General/ OBC/ EWS Candidates are required to pay a NON-REFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE of ₹ 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only), SC/ST, PWD, Women candidates and serving faculty of NIT Meghalaya are completely exempted from paying the application fee. Candidates are advised to read the details given in the “Check Payment Process” link carefully before making the payment.

Step 1 – Visit the official website

Step 2 – Click on the ‘Apply Online’ link given in the Advertisement for Faculty Positions at NIT Meghalaya.

Step 3 – Users can register (click on “Register”) and proceed with the registration process by providing their basic personal and application fee payment details after which, they will be redirected to their complete application form page to complete the process.

Step 4 – Candidates can re-login again to their application profile to complete the form in case they are not able to complete filling up the form or want to make necessary changes.

Step 5 – Please read and follow the instructions mentioned in the form carefully, as you go on filling the form.

Step 6 – Users can do the final submission of their applications after which, they will not be allowed to make further changes to their applications except to view their status and take the printout of the same.

Last Date to Apply:  21 days from the date of publication in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar

For more details Click here: Click

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