IIT Roorkee invites applications for Research Associate/Project Associate Position


Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian nationals only for project position(s) for the consultancy/research project(s) in the Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy purely on a contract basis.

Project position(s) and number: Research Associate/Project Associate - 1 no. 

Principal Investigator: Dr. S.K. Singal

Title of the Project:  Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG) 2.0 (PSA-2169-HRD /23-24)

Job description: Field visit, data collection, processing and analysis, machine modification, drawing, report preparation and co-ordinating the work for rural technologies.

Sponsor of the project:  Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) Govt. of India, New Delhi.

Tenure: I year (may be extended up to project completion)

Qualification: M.Tech. - Mechanical / Chemical Engineering or B.Tech- Mechanical / Chemical Engineering with a minimum 2 years' work/field experience. Knowledge of CAD/SolidWorks or similar software preferred.

Fellowship:   Rs. 25,0001- to Rs. 42,000/- + HRA per month based on experience

Selection Mode: Walk-in-Interview

How to apply:

Candidates desiring to appear for the Interview should submit their applications with the following documents to the office of the Principal Investigator through email, by post, or produce at the time of the Interview:

  1. Application in plain paper with a detailed CV including chronological discipline of degree/certificates obtained. 
  2. Experience including research, industrial field, and others. 
  3. Attested copies of degree/certificate and experience certificate. 
E-mail: rutag.iitroorkee(@ gmail.com

General Instructions:

  • Candidate shall bring along with them the original degree(s)/certificate(s) and experience certificate(s) at the time of interview for verification. 
  • Preference will be given to SC/ST candidates on equal qualifications and experience. 
  • Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.

The last date for application to be submitted to the office of the Principal Investigator is ...Sept 30, 2024, by 5 P.M.

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