IIT Jodhpur invites applications for Research Associate-I position


Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur invites applications from Indian nationals only for Sponsored Research Project Position purely on a contract basis.

Position:  Research Associate-I (One)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Monika Sinha

Title of the Project:  Dense matter inside the astrophysical compact objects consistent with gravitational-wave observations

Job description: Research in Astrophysics of compact stellar objects

Brief description of Project: Compact astrophysical objects are unique laboratories to probe matter at super-nuclear density. The project aims to discuss the observational constraints on the equations of state (EoS) of highly dense matter inside compact objects and hence to narrow down the possible EoSs and the parameter space within a limited number of EoSs. The aim is to study all possibilities in light of recent astrophysical observations. Our aim is to fix the parameterizations of EoSs making the matter compatible with both the nuclear physics experimental and astrophysical observational data. There are possibilities of more than one family of compact objects. The plan is to explore this possibility with the so far available astrophysical data. In that context the project plan is to study the neutron star matter with inclusion of dark matter and its consequences in the astrophysical observations. One rich area of cultivation is to comprehend the effects of neutrinos in dense matter composition and its consequences on BNS or supernova dynamics. In order to do that it is very crucial to study the hot dense matter. Consequently, the plan is to explore the hot dense matter within newly obtained experimental and observational data. In addition, the different non-radial oscillatory model of star fluid which may generate GWs will be studied.

Sponsor of the project:  Central Water Commission. New Delhi

Tenure:  The position is purely temporary, initially for a period of 01 Year, and same extendable but co-terminus with the duration of the project, on a contractual basis with consolidated pay.

Eligibility: Ph.D. D/MS or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research and teaching experience after ME/MTech. with at least one research paper in a Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal in the field of Astrophysics of compact stellar objects.

Desirable Qualification: Research experience in astrophysics of compact stellar objects with quality publications

Fellowship:  Rs. 47,000/- + HRA@16%

Age Limit: Below 35 years (Age will be calculated on the closing date of the online submission of the application. Relaxation in age for the category candidates only would be admissible as per Central Government Rules. Also kindly enclose the Caste Certificate along with the application.)

Selection Mode: Walk-in-Interview

How to apply: The candidates possessing the requisite qualifications and experience should apply through the ONLINE process up to 27 September 2024.

It is mandatory to send the soft copy of the application with all relevant documents to recruitment_rnd@iitj.ac.in (Please mention the advertisement number in the subject line of the email). Without documents, your application will not be considered. There is no need to send the hard copy. 

Apply Online Here...

The last date for application is September 27, 2024

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