Position: Research Associate- I (RA)
Number of Position (s): One
Title of The Project: Development of Energy Efficient Ergonomically Designed (EEED) Chair Lift Man Riding System
Principal Investigator PI: Dr. Ajit Kumar Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, 826004, India E-mail: ajit@iitism.ac.in, Phone No.- 9471192264
CO PI: Dr. Niranjan Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, E-mail: niranjan@iitism.ac.in, Phone No. 9471191827
Tenure of Project: The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project, which is sanctioned for 24 Months (02 Years) w.e.f. 01.07.2024. The project is scheduled to conclude by 30.06.2026. It is to be noted that the appointment is for two years or till the completion of the project, whichever is earlier.
Job Description:
The project aims to develop an energy-efficient, ergonomically designed chair lift man-riding system. The present R&D project highlights two modules: a) Module I- Design modification of the existing power pack of the chair lift man-riding system to enhance its efficiency, Module Investigation of the whole-body vibration analysis, and design modification in the Chair seat.
Scope of the work: Model, design, and develop the chair lift of man riding system in the lab, simulation and modeling of the vibration system, Mine visits, Testing in Mines, Data collection and analysis, Report preparation, and Jobs as and when assigned by the PI related to the project.
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. or Having Three Years of Research, Teaching, Design, and Development Experience after ME/MTech with a specialization in Machine Design/Fluid Power/Mechatronics/Mining Machinery Engineering or other relevant fields per the project requirements with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal. The applicant must have a consistently good academic record throughout.
Desirable Qualification: Vibration and Control, Working experience in whole-body vibration analysis, Knowledge of fluid power systems, Modeling and simulation using software such as Matlab, DSpace, LabView, ANSYS, etc.
Age and Relaxation: The upper age limit is 35 years as of 23rd September 2024. Relaxation in age can be considered for suitably qualified and experienced candidates if recommended by the selection committee. For SC/ST/OBC candidates, age relaxation is applied as per GoI rules on producing valid certificates from authorized government agencies.
Fellowship: Rs. 47,000/- per month till the project completion (30.06.2026) or till the month of engagement in the project, whichever is earlier. No HRA is admissible.
How to apply:
Interested candidates are requested to fill out the online application form (as per the link provided) and must attach all the supporting documents (e.g., self-attested copies of educational qualifications, experience certificate, age proof, valid caste certificate (if applicable), the first page of publications (if any), CV with Photograph, Valid GATE certificate (if available), etc.
Note: Shortlisted candidates will be informed through e-mail about the interview. The interview will be in Online Mode (Zoom/Google Meet)/ Physical Mode. Mere possession of minimum qualifications does not guarantee an invitation to the interview. Candidates will be shortlisted based on merit and per the project's requirements. All candidates should make arrangements for their stay at Dhanbad if required. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
The last date for apply: 23rd September 2024, 5:00 PM
Online Application Link: Apply Online
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