IIT Gandhinagar invites applications for Post-Doctoral Research fellow positions. Apply before September 10, 2024


Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites applications from Indian nationals for the Post-Doctoral Research fellow positions in the IITGN Robotics Lab, purely on a contract basis.

Position:  Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Principal Investigator: Prof. Madhu Vadali

Tenure: 1 year

Project NameDevelopment of Control and Learning Strategies for a Variable Stiffness Soft Robotic Gripper.

Job Description: The successful candidates will have an opportunity to contribute to multiple exciting research projects in soft robotics and robot learning. These projects explore learning and control algorithms for soft robotic grippers and soft-limbed robots to interact with their environment. These projects involve multidisciplinary skills including modeling, simulations, working with hardware prototypes, electronics, coding, and experimental testing.

The candidate will work in the IITGN Robotics Lab and will have plenty of opportunities to interact and collaborate with other labs in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. The lab has a vibrant environment and has a diverse and interdisciplinary set of individuals, and we work on a range of robotics and control systems projects ranging from fundamental theory and its hardware validation to robotic systems for specific applications (with human subject trials in some cases).

Minimum Qualifications Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Robotics, or allied branches from a reputed institution. Should be proficient in theory, mathematics, and coding. Prior experience in robot dynamics and control is essential. Solid publication record in the area of robotics or related areas.

Desired Background: Strong foundations in robotics and control systems is highly desired. Prior experience in one of soft robotics, learning algorithms for robots, or robotic simulation software is preferred.

Fellowship:  Monthly consolidated remuneration will be Rs 72,000

How to apply: Interested candidates should submit a resume and a short statement of 250-300 words highlighting your career goals and your motivation to apply for this position (and specifically mention past experience working with soft robotics, learning algorithms for robots or robotic simulation software), and a list of referees (preferably three) using this form here latest by September 10, 2024

Application Form...

For any questions, you may write to Prof. Madhu Vadali at robotics@iitgn.ac.in

Application Deadline: September 10, 2024

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