Position: Post-doctoral position
Number of Positions: 1
Job description: One postdoc position is available in the Indo-French CEFIPRA Project. The selected candidates will participate in ongoing research in the area of generation of attosecond XUV pulses using high harmonic generation and its applications in simple atomic/molecular systems. The candidates having demonstrated experience working with femtosecond laser systems, attosecond physics, and building/customization of high-end vacuum-based instruments will be preferred.
Essential duties of the candidates will consist of assisting PhD students, maintenance of femtosecond/attosecond laser, writing of publications, and preparing the project reports.
Essential qualifications: Candidates should have an experimental PhD in Physics in areas related to ultrafast laser, optics, atomic and molecular physics. The candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis may also apply.
Tenure: One year (with a possibility for an extension for another year as per the project guidelines)
How to Apply: Applicants should send their application package consisting of:
1) Bio-data with a list of two recommenders
2) Motivation letter appropriately justifying your suitability for the position,
3) Research plan.
Applications may also be sent to: kpsingh@iisermohali.ac.in
Emoluments: Payments of emoluments will be made as per Government of India norms.
Selection criteria: The candidates will be shortlisted based on their CV and experience. The shortlisted candidate may be called for an interview and/or lab visit if required. No TA/DA will be paid for the interview travel.
Last Date of submission: 5 Sept. 2024. The date may be extended, if required.