IISER Kolkata invites applications for Project Scientist III position


Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata is a premier autonomous Institution established by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, to promote high-quality science education and research in the country. The Institute invites applications from Indian nationals for the Project Scientist III position in the Department of Biological Sciences purely on a contract basis.

Position:   Project Scientist III [One (1)]

Name(s) of the Project Investigator(s): Prof. Jayasri Das Sarma

Tenure of Project: Initially for 1 Year. Extension of the appointment after 1 Year is subjective to a recommendation by PI and the candidate's performance.

Job Responsibilities: 

  1. All concerned jobs related to establishing the Animal Facility, coordinating day-to-day administration, micromanaging facility readiness, record keeping, developing SOPs & coordinating with Veterinarians.
  2. Provide orientation to new students/animal users per CPCSEA guidelines and SOPs of the Animal Facility. Train the new students/animal users/animal caretakers/support staff, conduct experiments, supervise experiments, and help faculties, staff members, and students execute animal experiments.
  3. Maintenance & management of all instruments, equipment, machinery & tools, ensuring readiness & standardizing instrument operation as per scientific standards. 
  4. Conducting, Coordinating, and Managing Workshops, training programs & paid coursework/workshops for revenue generation. And develop new ideas for revenue generation, advertisement & promotion of animal facility services. 
  5. Coordinate & Organize IAEC meetings as per CCSEA rules & provide help in writing grants. 

Essential Qualifications: 

1) Doctoral Degree in Science or Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or equivalent; and 

2) Seven Years Experience in Research & Development in Industrial & Academic Institutions or Science & Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and Services

Desirable qualifications
1. Minimum Two (2) Years Experience in Working with Animals & Animal Facilities with exemplary management skills. 
2. Candidates must have thorough training in animal handling, animal breeding, animal house sterility, microbial testing, and genotyping, along with experience working with BSL-2 pathogens in Animal BSL-2 facilities & Knowledge in setting up BSL-3 facilities.
3. Must have good communication skills, leadership quality, administrative ability, logical thinking, and independent ability to supervise facility functioning and execute interdisciplinary and collaborative animal experiments & research works. 
4. Must have proficient knowledge in Different Routes of Administration (E.g. IV injection, IP injection, and blood collection from a small animal) & Histopathology Techniques.

Fellowship:  78,000/ + HRA, [Increment of 5 % for every 2 years of experience subject to performance review] 

Age Limit: 45 Years

How to apply:

Applications enclosing attested copies of all testimonials/certificates and curriculum vitae should be sent to jdslab@iiserkol.ac.in within the application deadline. Based on the first evaluation of applications received, only selected applicants will be notified by email to appear for an interview. 

No TA/DA is admissible for appearing in the interview.

Last Date for Apply: 30th September 2024

The interview date will be notified in the email sent to the short-listed candidates. 

The selected candidates will be notified via email about the Project start date.

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