Online applications are invited from Indian nationals in the prescribed application form for the post of Temporary Faculty in the Departments of Computer Science and Electronics &
Communication Engineering on a temporary basis at NIT Patna.
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Communication Engineering
Qualifications/ Experience:
The candidates shall have a Ph.D. degree in a relevant/equivalent discipline with first
class in UG and PG, if specifically not mentioned by the Institution/University,
then 60oh marks or 6.5 CGPA. Candidates who have submitted their Ph. D.
thesis may also apply.
Remuneration: Consolidated Remuneration of Rs. 70000.00 per month (all
inclusive)PERIOD OF ENGAGEMENT: The appointment will be initially for one
semester which may be extended, if required based on the performance of the
selected candidate up to a maximum of five semesters.
The desirous and eligible
candidates may appear at the walk-in interview with a duly filled Application Form
along with all certificates in originals with two set of photocopies. The prescribed
application form is available on the Institute website
Date and Time of Interview: 12-08-2024, Friday: 9.30 am (Main Building,
NIT Patna)
Note: Applicants, who are in permanent employment of Government/Govt. The undertaking/
Autonomous Body must bring the NOC from his / her employee at the time of the interview. The institute reserves its right to cancel the recruitment procedure without
any prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
For more details Click here: Click