NIT Jaipur invites applications for 171 faculty positions spread across 16 departments

Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur invites applications from Indian Nationals with an established record of independent, high-quality research and commitment to teaching and research for faculty positions at the level of 
Professor /Associate Professor /Assistant Professor in various Departments/Centres of the Institute.

Departments with Specializations:
Architecture and Planning: Architecture, Architectural Conservation, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Product Design, Sustainable Architecture, Urban Planning, Urban and Rural Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, City Planning, Housing, Transportation Planning, Environmental Planning, Infrastructure Planning 

Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering: Artificial Intelligence, Data Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning or relevant area 

Centre for Energy & Environment: Bioenergy, Biomass, Battery, Solar Cell/ photovoltaic, Energy storage, Hybrid Energy Systems, Hydrogen, Solar Thermal System, Smart Grid. 

Civil Engineering: For Level-10: Transportation Engineering, Construction Project Management, Remote Sensing,  and GIS.  For Level-12, 13A2, 14A: Surveying, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Remote Sensing and GIS, Civil Engineering Materials, Construction and Project Management. 

Chemical Engineering:
  • Sustainable Energy and Environmental technologies 
  • AI and ML in chemical engineering applications 
  • Catalysis and reaction engineering 
  • Chemical process intensification 
  • Biofuels 
  • Advance separation processes 
  • Modeling and simulation 
Organic Chemistry: 
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Bio-Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Nano-Catalysis, Polymer Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Asymmetric Synthesis. 
Inorganic Chemistry: 
  • Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Photochemistry, Nanomaterials, Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Catalysis and Chemical Crystallography, Bio-Inorganic Chemistry 
Physical Chemistry: 
  •  Electrochemistry, Energy Storage Systems, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy, Atmospheric Chemistry, Electro-chemistry, Chemistry of Renewable Energy. 
Analytical Chemistry: Advanced Instrumental Methods, Environmental Chemistry and related areas.

Computer Science and Engineering: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer vision, Robotics, High-Performance Computing, Real-Time Systems, Theoretical Computer Science, Computational Mathematics, Quantum Computing, Computer Architecture, Data Science, Natural Language processing, security. 

Electrical Engineering: Electrical Machines, Control Systems, Instrumentation and Control, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Signal Processing, Energy Systems, Power System Management, Renewable Energy, Smart Grids, Power System Economics, Electricity Markets, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Micro Electronics. 

Electronics & Communication Engineering: VLSI Systems, Design/ Testing, Fabrication Technology, Analog and Mixed Signal Design, Microelectronics and Nano-electronics, MEMS Devices and Systems, Reconfigurable and High-Performance Computing, Embedded and Computer Systems, Drone Technology, IoT/ Sensor/ Cyber-Physical Systems, Computer Vision, Computer/ VLSI Architectures, Cryptography, Network Security, Microwave Engineering, Antenna, RF Circuits, Communications Systems, Computer Networks, Sensor Networks, Satellite Communication, Radar Engineering, Wireless Communications, Optical Communications, Photonics, 5G Networks, Signal Processing, AI/ ML and Applications and any relevant areas of all the above. 

Humanities and Social Sciences: Economics, English, Sociology and Political Science. 

Management Studies: Marketing, Business Analytics, Operations, Supply Chain, Finance and Accounting, Human Resource and organizational Behavior, General Management and Strategy. 

Mathematics: Pure and Applied Mathematics 

Mechanical Engineering: Design Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Production Engineering and Industrial Engineering, Automation and Control, Robotics, Multi-Body Dynamics, Mechanical Vibration, Machine Tool Engineering, Multi-Phase Flows, Fluid Structure-Interaction, Turbo Machines, Microfluidics, Reliability Engineering, Industry 4.0 technologies, High-Performance Computing and AI 

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering: Process Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Mineral Processing/ Ore Dressing, Iron and Steel Making, Corrosion Engineering, Ceramic Materials, Nanomaterials and Technology, Engineering Materials, Materials Manufacturing, Computational Materials Science, Process Modelling and Simulation. Any relevant areas of specialization related to Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, and its equivalent discipline. 

Materials Research Centre: Materials Science/ Ceramic/ Nanoscale Materials/ Soft Materials/ Coatings/ Computational Materials Science/ any other relevant area. 

Physics: Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Quantum Computing, Lasers and Optoelectronics

Vacancies for the post of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor: 

Total vacancies: 171

Professor (Level 14A): 24 [UR-10, OBC-7 (including 6 backlog), SC- 4 (backlog), ST-2 (backlog), EWS-1, PwD (Horizontal Reservation)-1]

Associate Professor (Level 13A2): 36 [UR-22, OBC-7 (including 5 backlog), SC- 3 (including 2 backlog), ST-3 (backlog), EWS-1, PwD (Horizontal Reservation)-2]

Assistant Professor Grade-I (Level 12): 25 [UR-5, OBC-8, SC- 3, ST-3 (including 3 backlog), EWS-6, PwD (Horizontal Reservation)-5]

Assistant Professor Grade-II (Level 10): 86 [UR-20, OBC-32 (including 19 backlog), SC-16 (including 12 backlog), ST-12 (including 11 backlog), EWS-6,  PwD (Horizontal Reservation)-9]

* There is no vacancy for Assistant Professor Grade-II (Level-10) in the Department of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Science, and Centre for Energy & Environment.  


1. Assistant Professor Grade-II (On contract) Pay Level 10 (Except Arch. & Planning):  Ph.D.
2. Assistant Professor Grade-II (On contract) Pay Level 10 (For Arch. & Planning):  M.Arch./ M.Plan with one-year professional experience 

3. Assistant Professor Grade-I, Pay Level 12: Ph.D. with Three years after a Ph.D. or six years total teaching and research experience in an Institution of repute or Research and Development Labs or relevant industry.

4. Associate Professor Pay Level-13A2:  Ph.D with Six years after Ph.D. of which at least three years experience at the level of Assistant Professor Grade–I in Level-12 of the Pay Matrix of the 7th Central Pay Commission or any other corresponding pay scale or pay level approved by the Central Government or the Council, as the case may be, or equivalent in an Institution of repute or Research & Development lab or relevant industry; Or nine years total working experience, of which three years shall be after Ph.D. and with three years experience at the level of Assistant Professor Grade–I in Level-12 of the Pay Matrix of the 7th Central Pay Commission or any other corresponding pay scale or pay level approved by the Central Government or the Council, as the case may be, or equivalent in an Institution of repute or Research & Development lab or relevant industry.

5. Professor Pay Level 14A: Ph.D. Ten years after Ph.D. or thirteen years total working experience, out of which seven years shall be after Ph.D. and with three years experience at the level of Associate Professor in Level-13A2 of the Pay Matrix of the 7th Central Pay Commission or four years at the level of Associate Professor in Level-13A1 or combination of Level 13A1 and Level 13A2 or equivalent in an Institution of repute or Research and Development lab or relevant industry.

Reservations:  Reservations in direct recruitment shall be applicable as per Govt. of India Norms. Refer to the Gazette notification dated 7th March 2019 of CEI (Reservation in Teachers’ Cadre) Ordinance, 2019.

Age Limit: Fresh appointments beyond the age of 60 are discouraged except for faculty with exceptionally brilliant research careers and with ongoing or approved externally funded research projects. 

Application Fee: Each application must be accompanied by a non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand only) for GEN/OBC-NCL/EWS applicants applying from within India, US $ 25 (US Dollars Twenty-Five only) for GEN/OBC-NCL/EWS candidates applying from abroad, Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred fifty only) for SC/ST/PWD candidates and US $ 10 (US Dollars Ten only) in case of SC/ST/PWD candidates applying from abroad. The Application Fee should be remitted Online only (online payment option is available in the Application Form).  

Interested candidates must apply ONLINE only through the Institute website latest by 13-09-2024. Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and summarily rejected. Every completed online application shall be identified by a unique application reference number, which should be used for all future communication. The candidates are advised to download the same from the Institute website and send a hard copy of the downloaded PDF of the filled application form along with the self-attested copies of the relevant testimonials, certificates, enclosures, etc. by speed post/registered post/courier to: 

Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur 
JLN Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302017, India 

The last date for receipt of a hard copy of the duly filled application form along with all self-attested supporting documents and application fee details is 27-09-2024 by 05:30 PM


1. Candidates must apply online ONLY through the website http// Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and summarily rejected. Every completed online application shall be identified by a unique application reference number, which should be used in any future communication. The candidates are advised to download the same from Institute website and kept hard copy of the duly filled application along with the proof of required fee deposited in the specify bank account. The duly completed application form along with the self-attested copies of relevant testimonials, certificates, enclosures etc. to be sent by Speed/Registered Post to the Registrar, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur -302017 (Rajasthan), India failing which their candidature will not be considered. The envelope containing the application be superscripted as 

2. The short-listed candidates may be required to appear for a presentation/seminar in the respective departments, in addition to facing the Selection Committee. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the test/interview.

3.  Persons serving in Govt. / Semi Govt. / PSUs / Universities / Educational institutions should send their applications either THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL or should furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the Competent Authority of the serving organization, at the time of presentation and/or interview otherwise they may not be allowed to appear in the presentation and/or interview. However, they can submit an advance copy of the application form.

Last date for submission of online application: 13-09-2024
Last date for submission of hardcopy of the application: 27-09-2024 by 05:30 PM

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