NIT Agartala invites applications for faculty positions spread across 13 departments


Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals in the prescribed format for the recruitment of faculty at the level of Asst. Professors (Grade I & II) in the various Departments of the National Institute of Technology Agartala (NITA) against the advertisement (Advt./no. NITA.2(472-Estt)/2017/985)This is an extension update to the recruitment notice for Assistant Professor vacancies at NIT Agartala, vide reference Nos. F.NITA.2(521- Estt)/2022/VOL III/734, dated 22/04/2022 (Advertisement) &, No. F.NITA.2(545-Estt)/2022/6445, dated 07/12/2023 (Advertisement).

Total Posts: 47
Assistant Professor Grade-I & Grade-II:  UR-18, SC-5, ST-1, OBC-15, EWS-8 

Departments & Vacancies:
1. Civil Engineering - 2 Posts
2 Mechanical Engineering - 2 Posts
3 Electrical Engineering - 2 Posts
4 Computer Science and Engineering - 6 Posts
5 Electronic and Communication Engineering - 3 Posts
6 Electronic and Instrumentation Engineering - 4 Posts
7 Production Engineering - 2 Posts 
8 Chemical Engineering- 4 Posts
9 Bio-Engineering - 4 Posts
10 Chemistry - 4 Posts 
11 Mathematics - 5 Posts 
12 Physics - 5 Posts
13 Management, Humanities, and Social Science - 4 Posts

Note: The number of vacancies across departments may increase/decrease. The total vacancies include the reservation categories mentioned above.

Area of specialization: 

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Detailed educational qualification, experience and other criteria for selection of faculty positions shall be as per the Schedule “E” of the First Statutes of NIT (Amendment Statues, 2017) (Ref. Gazette of India dated July 24, 2017) and subsequent clarifications received from Ministry of HRD, New Delhi. The details are available on the website (
Scale of Pay:
I. Assistant Professor (Grade I) – Pay Level 12 (as per 7th CPC) equivalent to Grade Pay of INR 8000/- (as per 6th CPC) 
II. Assistant Professor (Gr.II) – Pay Level 11 (as per 7th CPC) equivalent to Grade Pay of INR 7000/- (as per 6th CPC) respectively. 
III. Assistant Professor (Gr.II) – Pay Level 10 (as per 7th CPC) equivalent to Grade Pay of INR 6000/- (as per 6th CPC)  

Mode of Selection:
  • Recruitment to all the posts of faculty positions will be on a direct selection basis only.
  • If required, written tests may be conducted for candidates in the specified department(s) for the post of faculty positions. The date and time may be found in the intimation mail sent to the candidates and also available on the recruitment website i.e. In that case, based on the performance in the Written Test, candidates will be shortlisted for the subsequent selection process i.e., Presentation and Interview after document verification.
  • The Institute may, however, call the candidates directly for a presentation and Interview, without any written test. Concerning the above, the decision of the Institute shall be final and binding.

The eligible candidates will be required to apply through the online application submission portal available on the Institute website Candidates are advised to make sure that all the details as entered are correct before final submission. The online portal will allow the candidate to take print of the filled-in application after successful electronic submission. Every completed online application shall be identified by a unique application reference number. The applicant has to take a printout of the online application after final submission. Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. 

  • Candidates who have already applied against the advertisement of Ref. No.F.NITA.2(545-Esttll2022l6445, dated O7/12/2023, need not apply again. However, they can update their information using existing login credentials. 

(i) After final submission the data cannot be altered further. 
(ii) All qualifications, experience, and preferred age limit will be considered on the last date of submission of the online application. 

Application Fee: Candidate should pay a nonrefundable application fee through online payment mode at the time of final submission of the application as below 
  • For the candidates other than SC/ST/PwDcategory: INR 1000 (rupees one thousand only) per application. 
  • For SC/ST category: INR 500(Rupees five hundred only) per application.
  • PwD Category: No fee is required. 
There is no need to send any hard copy of the application. However, at the time of document verification online generated applications along with annexures with signatures are to be submitted. 

Opening date of the online portal: 09/08/2024
Last date of online submission: 30/08/2024 

Click here for more details: Click 

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