Position: Research Associate-I
Project Title: Role of host membrane modulation by mycobacterial membrane vesicles in evading phagosome maturation
Funding Agency: India Alliance (DBT-Welcome Trust)
Tenure: The above position is purely temporary for a period of one year or the completion of the project whichever is earlier and strictly co-terminus with the project. It would, therefore, not confer any right/ claim, implicit, or explicit for consideration/ absorption against any NISER post.
Essential Qualification: Essential Qualifications: PhD in any area of biological sciences or life sciences. Strong background in molecular biology and cell biology is desirable. The candidate is expected to have expertise in molecular cloning, mammalian cell culture, and imaging demonstrated by at least ONE first-author peer-reviewed research article in an international journal of repute.
Fellowship: ₹58,000/- pm plus HRA as per rules
Age: 35 years as on 30.08.2024, age relaxation to entitled categories as per rules.
How to apply:
Interested candidates should appear for the interview through Skype/ Google meet/Zoom video conferencing only. They need to send the duly filled-in application form given on pages 2-3 of this advertisement (Click Here), along with copies of all the Educational Certificates by email to saleem@niser.ac.in latest by 30.08.2024. Candidate must submit the complete CV with the publication list. It is encouraged to send the soft copy of the application to the above email addresses before the interview.
Note: For any clarification please contact Dr. Mohammed Saleem on the above-mentioned email (saleem@niser.ac.in).
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate, for appearing in the interview or joining the position.
Last date for apply: 30.08.2024
Date of Interview: 05.09.2024 at about 10:00 AM