IIT Roorkee invites applications for Research Associate position


Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian nationals only for project position(s) for the consultancy/research project(s) in the Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering purely on a contract basis.

Position:  Research Associate- III (No. of positions-1)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Naveen K. Navani)

Title of the Project:  Technological innovations for development of functional foods from ethnic fermented foods of the Indian Himalayas.

Job description: Handling and processing of starter culture of Himalayan fermented foods, Development of Functional gluten-free fermented millet bread, fermented milk products, Analysis of nutritional value, Assessment of probiotic properties, and chemical profiling of developed products.

Sponsor of the project:  DBT, New Delhi.

Tenure:  1.5 years

Qualification: Ph.D./MD/MS/MDS or M.Sc./equivalent degree with at least one patent granted in the field of probiotics and functional food engineering or having 3 y.u.t of research, teaching and design and development experience after M.Pharm/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.

Fellowship:  54,000+4,320(80 HRA) = 58,320/month

Selection Mode: Walk-in-Interview

How to apply:

Candidates desiring to appear for the Interview should submit their applications with the following documents at the time of the interview: 

  1. Application in plain paper with a detailed CV including chronological discipline of degree/certificates obtained. 
  2. Experience including research, industrial field, and others. 
  3. Attested copies of degree/certificate and experience certificate. 

General Instructions:

  • Candidate shall bring along with them the original degree(s)/certificate(s) and experience certificate(s) at the time of interview for verification. 
  • Preference will be given to SC/ST candidates on equal qualifications and experience. 
  • Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.

Walk-In-Interview Date and Venue:  6th September 2024, Committee Room, 10 AM 

The interview will be held at the Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering

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