IIT Mandi invites applications for Regular Faculty positions


Indian Institute of Technology Mandi invites applications from candidates with an outstanding track record for positions at the level of Professor and Associate Professor. Interested candidates may apply online against the advertisement Advt. No. IIT Mandi/STD/4/2024/Faculty/ in the following Departments/Schools/Centers:

  1. School of Computing & Electrical Engineering (SCEE) 
  2. School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering (SMME) 
  3. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (SCENE) 
  4. School of Chemical Sciences (SCS) 
  5. School of Physical Sciences (SPS) 
  6. School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences (SMSS) 
  7. School of Biosciences & Bioengineering (SBB) 
  8. School of Humanities & Social Sciences (SHSS) 
  1. Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Application Centre (IKSMHA) 
  2. Centre of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR) 
  3. Centre for Quantum Science & Technology (CQST)
Qualifications & Experience: 

Professor: Ph. D. with first class or equivalent in appropriate branch/discipline with a very good academic record throughout. 

A minimum of 10 years of teaching/research/ industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign Institution (s) of comparable standards. The candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research in terms of guidance of PhD students, and a strong research record, including publications in highly reputed peer-reviewed journals, patents, laboratory/course development, sponsored research projects and/or other recognised relevant professional activities.

Associate Professor: Ph. D. with first class or equivalent in appropriate branch discipline with a very good academic record throughout. 

A minimum of 06 years of teaching/ research/ professional experience of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor in an academic institution or Senior Scientific Officer/Senior Design Engineer or equivalent position in a research organization or industry as on the date of application. The candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research in terms of guidance of M. Tech and Ph. D. students, a strong record of publications in journals of high impact factor, patents, laboratory/course development and/or other recognised relevant professional activities.  

Scale of Pay: Designations and pay structures are as follows: 

(i) Professor: Level:14A, Cel l-1 (Starting Basic Pay Rs. 1,59,100/-)

(ii) Associate Professor:  Level:13A2, Cell-1 (Starting Basic Pay Rs. 1,39,600/-)

General Instructions:
  • A candidate can apply to more than one School/Centre.
  • The candidates should ensure that all the relevant information and documents have been uploaded before finalizing the application. After submission of the application, the candidate should keep a copy of it for his/her record. No hard copy of the application needs to be submitted.
  • The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is incorrect/false, the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated.
  • Applicants employed in Government and Semi-Government organizations, Public Undertakings, Universities and Educational Institutions should submit their application through the proper channel or submit a “No Objection Certificate from the current employer at the time of the Interview. In the absence of the same, the applicant will not be permitted to attend the Interview. 

Reservation: Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD categories will be applicable as per MOE, Government of India rules. The certificates issued by the Competent Authority needs to be attached in support of his/her claim.  

Interested candidates must apply ONLINE only through the portal https://iitmandirec.samarth.edu.in/
  • The last date for applying for the faculty positions is August 31, 2024 
If any technical problem is encountered during the online application, please contact techhelp@iitmandi.ac.in  
For any queries, please contact: Email: facultyrecruit@itmandi.ac.in

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