IIT Mandi invites applications for Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship program


Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT Mandi) invites applications with an outstanding track record for positions at the level of Postdoctoral Fellow in all various Departments/Centres/Schools.  

Position:  Post-Doctoral Fellow

School/ Centre &b Research Theme(s):

1 School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering: Solid Mechanics and Design, Materials Science and Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Manufacturing 

2 School of Computing and Electrical Engineering: AI/ML, Theory of CS, Systems Engineering, Control and Automation, Microelectronics and VLSI, Intelligent Communication Systems and Signal Processing, Power Systems 

3 School of Civil and Environment Engineering: Structure, Water Resources, Geotechnical Engineering, Environment 

4 School of Biosciences and Bioengineering: Host-gut microbiome interaction & Computational Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Host-pathogen interaction, Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications, Metabolic diseases 

5 School of Chemical Sciences: Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry 

6 School of Physical Sciences: Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics, High Energy Physics 

7 School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences: Theoretical and Numerical/Computational Differential equations, Algebra, Analysis, Topology, Statistics, Optimization, Data Analytics, Theoretical Computer Science 

8 School of Management: AI and Marketing Analytics, Operations & Supply Chain Analytics, Strategic Management, Generative AI Applications to Decision Sciences, HR Analytics, Blockchain & Cyber Security application to Business 

9 Centre for Human-Computer Interaction: Assistive Technologies, Device technologies for human-computer interaction, Experiential technologies, Generative AI, Deciphering undeciphered ancient scripts, medical diagnosis using HCI 

10 Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications: Consciousness studies, Analysis of IKS-based interventions for wellbeing, Yoga and cognition, Music and mastopathy, Therapeutic aspects of performing arts, Ayurveda-for mental health and wellbeing, IKS-based models of AI Ethics 

11 Centre for Quantum Science and Technologies: Experimental Quantum Optics, Computing Programming (Python), Image processing 

12 Centre for Climate Change and Disaster Management: Climate Economics, Law and Policies, Climate associated Disaster Modelling, Disaster Risk Reduction


  • Ph.D. degree holders are eligible to apply within five years after completion of Ph.D. 
  • Candidates who have submitted their dissertation and are awaiting the final viva voce can also apply.

Applications & Selection Procedure:  

  1. Applications will be asked through rolling advertisements. Based on requirements and the Director’s approval, applications will be further considered. 
  2.  School/Centre level approved committee will shortlist and assess the candidature based on interview and presentation.
  3. Finally, the Institute Level Committee constituted by the Director will submit a final recommendation to the Director for final approval.

Fellowship (consolidated):  

  • Fresh PhD: ₹ 80,000 
  • PhD+1 yr. relevant experience: ₹ 85,000 
  • PhD+2 yr. relevant experiences: ₹ 90,000 
  • PhD+3 yr. relevant experiences or more: ₹ 95,000

How to apply:  

Candidates must apply online through the link at https://forms.gle/kV2AaCFHpmfzHp8s8

Apply Online Here...

General Instructions:

  • The processing of the applications by the Academic Unit will be done in three cycles every year and the deadlines are respectively First Cycle – 30th April, Second Cycle – 15th September and Third Cycle- 31st December of the respective year. 
  • Mere fulfilment of eligibility will not entitle any candidate to be called for an interview. 
  • Interviews will be scheduled based on the needs of the Schools/Centres/Institutes. 
  • The requirements of minimum qualification and/or experience may be relaxed in the case of candidates with outstanding credentials. 
  • The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the post(s) advertised without assigning any reason. 
  • All correspondence should be addressed to respective school/centre chairpersons. For queries related to technical issues, kindly e-mail at i-pdf@iitmandi.ac.in. 
  • Contact details of the Chairperson of Schools are available at the Institute website: www.iitmandi.ac.in. The candidates may also approach them for any specific clarification. 
  • No information will be sent to those candidates who are not shortlisted for interview. 

Application Deadline: Rolling Advertisement

For any queries, please contact your respective School Chairs: Website: https://iitmandi.ac.in/allfaculty.php

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