IIT Mandi invites applications for Assistant Professor (Gr. I/II) positions at IKSMHA Centre


The Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications Centre (IKSMHA Centre) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi is dedicated to the research work concerning the foundational aspects of mind, brain, and consciousness as well as IKS interventions to mental health applications.
IKSMHA invites applications from candidates with an excellent academic background, a commitment to high-quality teaching, and proven credentials in outstanding research and development for positions at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade I) and Assistant Professor (Grade II) Professor. Interested candidates may apply online against the advertisement Advt. No.: IIT MANDI/Fac./2024/IKSMHA_01 in the following Departments/Schools/Centers:

Centre: Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications Centre

The school is currently looking for faculty members in the following focus areas:
Cognitive Psychology, Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Music Engineering, Music and Musopathy, Performing Arts, Indian Astronomy, Yoga and Meditation 
Essential Qualifications:

Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout


Assistant Professor (Grade-I): At least 3 years of relevant industrial/research/teaching experience excluding the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D.

Assistant Professor (Grade-II): Candidates with Post PhD experience of less than 3 years. 

Scale of Pay: Designations and pay structures are as follows: 

(i) Assistant Professor (Grade-I): Level 12, Cell 1 (Starting Basic Pay Rs. 1,01,500/-)

(ii) Assistant Professor (Grade-II): 

Level 10, Cell 14 (Starting Basic Pay Rs. 84,700/-) 

Level 11, Cell 11 (Starting Basic Pay Rs. 92,600/-)

Level 11, Cell 10 (Starting Basic Pay Rs. 89,900/-)

General Instructions:
  • A candidate can apply to more than one School/Centre.
  • The candidates should ensure that all the relevant information and documents have been uploaded before finalizing the application. After submission of the application, the candidate should keep a copy of it for his/her record. No hard copy of the application needs to be submitted.
  • The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is incorrect/false, the candidature/appointment is liable to be canceled/terminated.
  • Applicants employed in Government and Semi-Government organizations, Public Undertakings, Universities, and Educational Institutions should submit their application through the proper channel or submit a “No Objection Certificate from the current employer at the time of the Interview. In the absence of the same, the applicant will not be permitted to attend the Interview. 

Interested candidates must apply ONLINE only through the portal https://iitmandirec.samarth.edu.in/
  • The last date for applying for the faculty positions is September 21, 2024 
*After this deadline, applications may be considered until faculty positions get filled)

For queries, please contact, Dr. Arnav Bhavsar, Chairperson, Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications (IKSMHA), Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, via email: (chairikshma@iitmandi.ac.in), and for technical issues, kindly mail at (techhelp@iitmandi.ac.in).

General information about the Indian Knowledge System and Mental Health Applications (IKSMHA) can be found on the following website: https://iksmha.iitmandi.ac.in

Click here for more details: Click
For the essential qualifications, experience, and other terms and conditions please refer to the document:

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