Indian Institute of Technology Delhi invites applications from Indian nationals only for Project Appointment for the consultancy/research project(s) in the Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CBME) purely on a contract basis.
Position: Project Scientist (One)
Principal Investigator: Prof. Deepak Joshi (email ID.
Title of the Project: Expansion and Scale-up of Medtech Innovation Training Programme: School of International Biodesign (SiB): Phase V
Sponsor of the project: Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
Tenure: Up to 31/12/2028 (Appointment shall be on a contractual basis with consolidated pay subject to periodic performance review, and renewable yearly or up to the duration of the project)
Essential Qualification: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate discipline OR M Tech 1st class or equivalent with 4 years experience OR B.Tech. / M.Sc. 1st class or equivalent with 6 years' experience. Hands-on experience in Biomedical Signal Processing, Image Processing, Machine learning, Deep Learning, and Neural networks, with GATE qualification.
Fellowship: Rs 47,790-49,200, 50,700-52,220, 53,790-55,400, 57,060-58,770, 60,530-62,360/-p.m. plus HRA @ 24%
Selection Mode: Online Interview
How to apply:
The candidates who are interested to apply for the above post should download Form No. IRD/REC-4 from the IRD Website ( or IIT Delhi and submit the duly filled form with complete information regarding educational qualifications indicating the percentage of marks/division, details of work experience, etc. by e-mail with Advertisement No. on the subject line to Prof. Deepak Joshi at email id:
Note: IIT Delhi reserves the right to fix higher criteria for short-listing eligible candidates from those satisfying the advertised qualifications and requirements of the project post and their names will be displayed on the web link (iittp:// along with the online interview details. Only short-listed candidates will be informed for online Interview. ln case any clarification is required on eligibility regarding the above post, the candidate may contact Prof. Deepak Joshi at email id:
The last date for a complete application to be submitted to the Principal Investigator by email is August 20, 2024 (5p.m.)