IISER Berhampur invites applications from Indian Nationals including eligible Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) candidates with an outstanding track record for faculty positions at the level of Professor & Assistant Professor-Gr-1 in various departments. Interested candidates may apply online against the advertisement Advt. No. IISERBPR/DoFA/2024/02 in the following Departments/Schools/Centers:
Departments & No. of Vacancy:
1. Chemical Sciences [Professor:01 (UR)]
2. Earth & Environmental Sciences [Assistant Professor-Gr-1: 02(UR-1, SC-1)]
3. Computer Sciences [Assistant Professor-Gr-1: 01(OBC-NCL)]
4. Biological Sciences [Assistant Professor-Gr-1: 01 (ST)]
- Chemical Sciences: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry
- Earth & Environmental Sciences*: Environmental Chemistry, hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Structural Geology, Economic Geology
- Computer Sciences: Algorithms, Complexity, Science of Computer Programming, Data Sciences
- Biological Sciences: Immunology, Ecological Sciences, Structural Biology, Animal Physiology, Neurobiology.
*Applicants who have Ph.D. in Geological Sciences or PhD in Chemistry and related areas having appropriate experience may apply for environmental chemistry specialization.
Qualifications & Experience:
1. Professor: PhD with a first class in the preceding degree, with very good academic record throughout Minimum of 10 years of relevant post-PhD research and teaching experience from India(or) abroad, of which, at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor.
2. Assistant Professor Grade-I: PhD with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree and a very good academic record throughout. Minimum 3 years of industrial/ research /teaching experience, excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing a PhD.
Scale of Pay: Designations and pay structures are as follows:
(i) Professor: Pay Level-14A with initial pay of 1,59,100/-
(ii) Assistant Professor Grade-I: Pay Level 12 with initial pay of 1,01,500/-. Candidates possessing the degree of PhD in the relevant discipline and with regular service of 3 years at Level 12 shall be considered for moving to Level 13A1 with an initial pay of 2.1,31,400/- subject to evaluation of performance and antecedents.
How to Apply-
Applicants are required to submit the application online by using the www.iiserbpr.ac.in.
The following documents are required to be uploaded in PDF format while submitting the online application (Maximum file size is 5 MB): –
- Self-attested copies of all supporting documents in PDF format (please see S. No. 8 of Part-A)
- A separate sheet defining the list of publications.
- Five best publications of the applicant
- Research Plan (maximum 03 pages’ pdf file)
- Statement on Teaching Philosophy (One page) and course you can offer at IISER Berhampur
- Latest CV
- Any other documents in support of your credential
- Applicants for the Professor position need to indicate details of their research guidance history (List Ph.D./M.S. only) along with their experience certificates clearly mentioning the residency period (duration) spent in each designation/pay level in their career.
For any queries, please contact: E-mail: faculty_rec@iiserbpr.ac.in
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