Gautam Buddha University invites applications for faculty positions

Gautam Buddha University invites applications for the post of Assistant Professor on contract for fixed duration (OCFD)” in the Department of Information Technology

Department/School: Department of Information Technology

No. of Posts: 13


Essential qualification: B. Tech (IT) or B. Tech (CSE) and M. Tech (IT) or M. Tech (CSE) or relevant OR MCA with Experience as per University Norms.

Engagement: The Assistant Professor (On Contract for Fixed duration) shall be engaged for Academic Session 2024-25 only for a duration of a maximum of 10 (ten) months only. 

Reservation: OC-EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) 
[In the absence of eligible candidates from the OC-EWS category, candidates from OC (Open Competition) will be considered. Hence, candidates from OC (Open Competition) are also eligible to submit applications for the post.] 

Registration Fee: Candidates shall remit an amount of Rs.5000/- as a Registration Fee. SC/ST candidates need to remit Rs.2500/- only. The fee should be remitted only through online payment, the facility for which is provided in the online application form. A copy of the receipt shall be submitted along with the hard copy of the online application

Monthly Emoluments/Honorarium: Rs. 40,000/- (Rs. Forty Thousand) per month for candidates having Master's degree and Rs. 45,000/- (Rs. Forty-Five Thousand) per month for those having Ph.D. degree as per guidelines of UGC/AICTE at the entry-level, i.e. Assistant Professor. (Candidates having M.Tech/M.Plan,/MBA/M.Sc. M.A./M.S.W or equivalent in I.C.T./ Engineering/Architecture/ Management disciplines/PG Qualification in the relevant discipline/subject in accordance with the UGC regulations/ rules of Concerned Regulatory Bodies).

How to Apply- 

Interested candidates may send their applications in the prescribed format only through Speed Post/Registered Post/Courier addressed to “The Registrar, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar-201312 (UP) India”.

General Instructions:

The name of the post applied for must be clearly filled in the application form with reference to the advt. Separate application form must be filled for each post along with fee by crossed IPO or Bank draft for Rs. 1000/-(Rs. One thousand only) payable to the Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida. The SC/ST/OBC/differently abled persons are to pay Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) on submission of valid documents. The application fee may also be paid in online mode. The details for online payment are as follows:   

1. Account No: 6660000100000025 

2. IFSC Code: PUNB0666000 

3. Bank Name: Punjab National Bank 

4. Branch Name: Gautam Buddha University, Campus, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar, U.P.

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