Research Associate position at NIT Tiruchirappalli. Apply before July 29, 2024


National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli invites applications from Indian Nationals only for Project Positions (Research Associate – RA) for research projects of Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) under the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) scheme Core Research Grant (CRG).

Position:  Research Associate(RA)

Number of Position (s):  One

Title of The Project: The nonlinear evolution equations for particulate models: Well-posedness, Asymptotic analysis and Numerical simulations

Principal Investigator PI: Dr. Jitraj Saha, Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-15, Tamil Nadu.

Tenure of Project:  Initially for 12 months (extendable up to a maximum of 36 months (including initial 12 months)) or till the duration of the project completion whichever is earlier.

Job Description: The Research Associate has to 

i) Execute the research work detailed in the research project (theoretically in computationally)

ii) Compilation of the outcomes of the project 

iii) Report preparation 

iv) Any other works as per NIT Tiruchirappalli norms.

Essential Qualification: Applicants must be capable of doing independent research work and have published at least 2 research papers in peer-reviewed SCI/SCIE journals. At the time of application, the applicant’s age should be below 35 years.

Desirable Qualification: PhD in Mathematics or PhD Thesis submitted in Mathematics Desirable expertise: Applicant must have strong knowledge EITHER in the 

i) theoretical studies of PDEs, OR 

ii) computing techniques for solving PDEs using Matlab, and Mathematica. (Applicants specialized in Monte-Carlo techniques, PINN, ML, etc. are preferable), OR 

iii) Both mentioned above.

Fellowship:   58,000 + 16 % HRA per month

How to apply:

Candidates desiring to apply for the RA position should email their applications with the supporting documents to the Principal Investigator (PI) through email to and cc to The subject of the email should be “Application for the Research Associate (RA) position in the SERB-CRG-project, department of Mathematics, NIT Tiruchirappalli”. All documents should be merged into a single PDF. The documents should be arranged as follows 

i) Duly filled application 

ii) Supporting documents in the order as they appear in the application 

iii) Aadhar / PAN card 

Last date for apply:  29th July 2024 on or before 5:00 PM.

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