IIT Roorkee invites applications for faculty positions (Special Recruitment Drive) spread across 29 departments


Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and PD candidates with an outstanding track record for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor. Interested candidates may apply online against the advertisement Advt. No. IITR/FR-SRD/2024/06 in the following Departments/Schools/Centers:

1. Architecture and Planning 
2. Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing 
3. Biosciences and Bioengineering 
4. Chemical Engineering 
5. Chemistry 
6. Civil Engineering 
7. Computer Science and Engineering 
8. Design 
9. Earthquake Engineering 
10. Earth Sciences 
11. Electrical Engineering 
12. Electronics and Communication Engineering 
13. Humanities and Social Sciences 
14. Hydrology 
15. Hydro and Renewable Energy 
16. Management Studies 
17. Mathematics 
18. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 
19. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 
20. Paper Technology 
21. Polymer and Process Engineering 
22. Physics 
23. Water Resources Development and Management 
24. Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 
25. Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management 
26. Centre for Nanotechnology 
27. Centre for Transportation systems 
28. International Centre of Excellence for Dams 
29. Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems

Qualifications & Experience: 

1. Assistant Professor Grade-I: 
Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout and a minimum of 3 years industrial/ research/ teaching experience, excluding the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D. 

2. Assistant Professor Grade-II: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout. 

3. Broad research areas, essential qualifications, and other details for the Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation & Management, Centre for Nanotechnology, Centre for Transportation Systems, International Centre of Excellence.

Scale of Pay: Designations and pay structures are as follows: 

(i) Assistant Professor Grade-I: Academic Pay Level-12 (Rs.1,01,500 – 1,67,400). 

(ii) Assistant Professor Grade-II: Academic Pay Level-10 (Rs. 57,700 – 98,200) The minimum starting pay to be fixed in Academic Pay Level-10 at Cell No.16 Rs. 89,800

  • An applicant can apply to more than one Department/School/Centre.
  • Applicants should ensure that all the relevant information and documents have been uploaded, including valid SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PD Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format before submitting the final application. After submission of the application, the candidate should keep a copy of it for his/her record. No hard copy of the application needs to be submitted.

Interested candidates must apply ONLINE only through the Institute's website of IIT Roorkee
  • The last date for applying for Assistant Professor positions under Special Recruitment Drive is September 17, 2024, till 05:00 PM. 
For any queries, please contact: E-mail: facultyrecruitment@iitr.ac.in 

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