- Management & Humanities
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Basic & Applied Science
- Civil Engineering
Name of the |
Qualification |
Management & Humanities |
Ph.D./MBA/M.Com/ MA(Economics)/M. Tech in
Innovation & Entrepreneurship. |
Computer Science & Engineering |
Ph.D./M.Tech. in CSE/ECE with specialization
in Pattern Recognition/System Software and administration/Object Oriented |
Programming/ Operating System. |
Mechanical Engineering |
Ph.D./M.Tech. in Fluid and Thermal/Design/
Manufacturing. Ph.D./M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering. |
Electrical Engineering |
Basic & Applied Science |
Ph.D. in Statistics/ Ph.D. in Organic
Chemistry. |
Civil Engineering |
Ph.D./M.Tech. in Structural Engineering. |
Remuneration: 1. Ph.D. Rs.1,500/- per class subject to the maximum amount of Rs. 60,000/-per month. Lab/tutorial classes of 02 contact hours duration will be treated as 01 contact hour for honorarium/remuneration.2. Non-Ph.D. Rs.1,000/- per class subject to the maximum amount of Rs. 40,000/- per month. Lab/tutorial classes of 02 contact hours duration will be treated as 01 contact hours for honorarium/remuneration.
Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 30/07/2022 (Tuesday),10:00 AM onwards at the Director’s Conference Room.
SI. No. |
Name of HoDs |
Contact No. |
E-mail id |
1 |
Prof. M.K. home, Department of Management & Humanities |
9911618801 |
2 |
Dr. Rajat Subhra Goswami, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering |
9436271052 |
3 |
Dr. Manjula Das Ghatak, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
6033936818 |
4 |
Dr. Rajen Pudur, Department of Electrical Engineering |
9436634942 |
5 |
Dr. Utpal Kumar Saha, Department of Basic & Applied
Science |
9436271194 |
6 |
Dr. Nabam Rich, Department of Civil Engineering |
7629916358 |