Guest Faculty at IIIT Kota. (Walk in Interview)


Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Kota invites applications from eligible candidates for Assistant Professor (Contractual) on a Purely Temporary Basis. 

Designation/ Position- Assistant Professor (Contractual) for 11 months from the date of engagement.

Departments: Computer Science & Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mathematics, English, and Management.

Mode of Selection: Walk-in interview on July 15-16.


Interested applicants are required to bring their resumes, relevant original documents with Xerox copies in support of their age, qualifications, experience, passport size photographs, etc. at Indian Institute of Information Technology Kota, SPL-269, RIICO Industrial Area, Kuber Extension, Ranpur, Kota–325003 (Rajasthan) as per following schedule: 

Sl. No.

Department Name

Essential Qualification

Date and Time

No. of Post


Computer Science and Engineering

Ph.D. in Engineering in relevant discipline with first class or equivalent in the preceding degree

July 15, 10:00 A.M.



HMAS - English

         M.A. in English or its equivalent with first class.

         Ph.D. in relevant discipline

July 15, 2.00 PM



Electronics and Communication Engineering

Ph.D. in Engineering in relevant discipline with first class or equivalent in the preceding degree

July 15, 2.00 PM



Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering

Ph.D. in Engineering / Sciences with specialization in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Data Engineering / Data Science / Soft Computing or equivalent with first class in the preceding degree.

July 16, 10:00 A.M.



HMAS - Mathematics

          M.Sc. in Mathematics or its equivalent with first class.

          Ph.D. in relevant discipline.

July 16, 10:00 A.M.



HMAS - Management

          Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with First Class.

         Ph.D. in relevant discipline

July 16, 2.00 PM


Consolidated Remuneration: Up to Rs. 85,000/- (Rupees Eighty-Five Thousand) only per month consolidated based on quality publications and performance in interview.

Note: The Institute reserves the right to modify/defer or cancel the advertisement/recruitment at any stage of processing without assigning any reasons. In case of any query, please send an e-mail to or call 0141-2715071.

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