Faculty Positions (Contractual) at NIT Delhi (Walk-in-Interview)

Designation/Position- Contractual Faculty Positions at NIT Delhi

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals in the prescribed format for the posts of Assistant Professor (Purely on a Contractual and Temporary basis) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at NIT Delhi.

  • Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: PhD in relevant area.

Preferable Area of Specialization in PhD:
Machine Learning, Data Structure and Algorithm, Data Structures, Deep Learning and Applications, Natural Language Processing, Network Programming, Digital Image Processing, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and System Programming, Data Analytics, Operating System, Database Management System, Computer Architecture, Software Engineering and Cyber Security, Optimization Techniques, Quantum Computing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Computer Graphics, Operating System etc.

Date of walk-in-interview: 25-07 -2024

Total Posts: 3 (The number of vacancies is tentative, and the Institute may increase or decrease.)

Remuneration: Rs. 80,000/ p.m.  OR   PhD Submitted (Rs. 70,000/- p.m.)

Walk-in-Interview will be held on 25th July 2024 (Thursday) at 10:00 AM in Committee Room, 2nd Floor, Admin Block, NIT Delhi.

1. The appointment will be for the academic courses of the Autumn Semester for all the running years of B. Tech and M. Tech till the end of the semester or till the regular incumbent joins, whichever is earlier. 
2. The recruitment is a stop-gap arrangement purely on a temporary basis and the selected candidates shall have no claim for regular appointment. 
3. All the supporting documents along with the Govt. Identity should be brought up at the time of the Interview. 
4. No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the Walk-in Interview.

For more details Click here

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