Faculty Positions at Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar


Designation/ Position- Regular Faculty Positions at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

IIIT Bhubaneswar invites applications from qualified Indian nationals including Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) with an established record of independent, high-quality research and commitment to teaching and research for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade-I/II), Associate Professor, Professor.


Ph.D. with first class or equivalent in the preceding degree in an appropriate branch, with a consistently very good academic record and evidence of ability to pursue independent high-quality research. University toppers at Bachelors and Masters Level are encouraged to apply.

A minimum of 10 years post-Ph. D teaching/research/industrial/professional experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, IISERs, or at an equivalent level in any such Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards.

The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area of specialization in terms of guidance of Masters and Ph.D. students, a strong record of sponsored research, publications in reputed journals and referred conferences, patents, laboratory/course development, and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.

Associate Professor: 
At least 6 years post-Ph. D teaching/research/industrial/professional experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor Grade-I in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards OR Senior Scientific Officer/Senior Design Engineer in a research organization or industrial enterprise.

The candidate should have demonstrated capability and adequate experience of independent research in terms of guidance of Masters and Ph.D. students, sponsored research, publications in reputed journals and referred conferences, patents, laboratory/course development, and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.

Assistant Professor Grade-I:
Assistant Professor Grade-I: Eligible candidates with at least 3 years post-Ph. D teaching/research/industrial/professional experience preferably in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards (excluding the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D.), may be considered for the position of Assistant Professor Grade-I. Candidates should be highly motivated toward teaching and research and should have demonstrated research capabilities in terms of publications in reputed journals and referred conferences.

Assistant Professor Grade II: 
Eligible candidates with less than 3 years of relevant post-Ph. D experience (as described for Assistant Professor Grade-I), may be considered for the position of Assistant Professor Grade-II* with appropriate starting pay. Once selected for this position, the candidate will be considered for the post of Assistant Professor Grade-I upon gaining the required experience.

*Appointment to these positions may be made on a tenure track basis as per the decision of the 53rd IIT Council in its meeting held on 27th September 2019 for implementation in all IITs.

Scale of Pay: 


Approximate Pay Level

Minimum Pay in Pay Level

Gross Salary*



Rs. 1,59,100

Rs. 2,93,301

Associate Professor


Rs. 1,39,600

Rs. 2,57,974

Assistant Professor Grade-I


(On completion of 3 Years of service in Pay Level 12 will be eligible for Pay Level 13A1)

Rs. 1,31,400

Rs. 2,42,974


Rs. 1,01,500

Rs. 1,89,190

Assistant Professor Grade-II

11 (in case of more than 1 Year post-PhD experience)

Rs. 84,800

Rs. 1,59,150

10 (in case of less than or Equal to 1 Year post-Ph.D. experience)

Rs. 70,900

Rs. 1,34,147

* Calculated at the minimum of the scale which includes (Basic, DA, HRA, Transport Allowance, Telephone allowance, and NPS).

The School-wise required areas of specialization include but are not limited to the following:

Sl. No.


Required areas of Specialization


School of Basic Sciences

Chemistry & Biosciences:

Inorganic Chemistry (Main group/ Bio-inorganic /Reaction mechanism / Organometallic Chemistry) Physical Chemistry (Electrochemistry


Quantum Information and Technology; Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Non-linear and Quantum Photonics, Topological Phenomena in Condensed Matter Physics (Theory)


Theoretical Computer Science, Statistics and Data Science, Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing, Financial Mathematics/ Optimization Techniques.


School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences

Geology & Geophysics:

Ore Geology, Metamorphic Petrology.

Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences (i.e., Climate Sciences):

Observations in Climate Sciences, Modelling & Data Assimilation, Planetary and Marine Boundary Layer


School of Electrical Sciences

Computer Science and Engineering:

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, High Performance Computing Architecture, VLSI Design, Cloud Computing, IoT, Cyber security, Multimedia systems, Computer Vision, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Software Engineering, Cyber Physical Systems, Systems (Compilers, Operating Systems, Databases), Quantum Computing, Computational biology, Theoretical Computer Science

Electronics and Communication Engineering:

Signal Processing, Optical, RF and Microwave, Opto-Electronics, VLSI Design, Semi-conductor Technology.

Electrical Engineering:

Control Systems Engineering, Electrical Machines, High Voltage Engineering, Measurement & Instrumentation, Power System, Renewable Energy and Smart Grid.


School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management


Game Theory, Theory of Auction, Optimization and General Equilibrium


School of Infrastructure

Environmental Engineering (Air quality and Environmental Modelling, Water Treatment, Waste Management and Sewerage System, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), Emerging contaminant, Micro-pollutant and Organic Pollutant Analysis and Estimation), Geotechnical Engineering (Rock mechanics Tunnelling and underground space, Unsaturated soil mechanics and gas hydrates, Energy Geotechnics), Structural Engineering (Automation in construction technology, Digital construction Steel construction, Risk and reliability, Fire Engineering, Plasticity, fatigue and fracture, Impact mechanics), Transportation Engineering (Transport & Logistics [Preferably Maritime & Railway Logistics, Analytical Modelling of Pavement with a Strong Background in Engineering Mechanics, Transport Policy on Safety), Water Resources Engineering (Experimental and Computational Hydraulics, Contaminant Transport, Groundwater Modelling, Extreme Event Modelling, Ecohydrology, Hydroinformatics, Urban Hydraulics)


School of Mechanical Sciences

Gas Dynamics, Turbo machinery, Fundamental Turbulence, Cryogenics, Fuel Cell Technology, Nonlinear Dynamics, Bearing & Lubrication, Machine Fault Analysis & Diagnostics, Systems & Control, Mechatronics, Advanced Robotics, CAD/CAM and Automation, AR & VR in Manufacturing, AI & ML in Mechanical Engineering, Non-powder based Metal Additive Manufacturing, Micro and Nanoscale Manufacturing, Operations Research, Quality Control & Reliability.


School of Minerals, Metallurgical & Materials Engg.

Extractive metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare-earth metals; Semiconductors: Synthesis, Device fabrication and characterization; Transmission Electron Microscopy; Magnetic materials; Integrated Computational Materials Engineering; Computational fluid dynamics in process metallurgy Computational mechanics in applied materials engineering; Physical metallurgy of steels; Mineral Processing; Recycling of materials; Atomistic simulation

Age Limit: For the post of Assistant Professor, candidates' age should preferably not exceed 35 years.

Reservation: Reservation and Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PWD/ EWS applicants: Reservation and relaxation are applicable as per GOI rules for SC, ST, OBC-NCL and PWD applicants. The benefit of reservation under the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by authorized officials in the prescribed format as per GOI norms. Candidates should submit their valid SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS/ Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format along with the application form in support of their claim. 

Candidates possessing the requisite qualifications and experiences are requested to apply online at https://www.iitbbs.ac.in/index.php/faculty-rolling-advertisement-2024 following the instructions therein. The online portal will allow the candidate to print the filled-in application after successful electronic submission. The portal will also allow editing after submission. Candidates are requested to upload PDF files of all degree certificates/testimonials/caste certificates/age proof certificates etc. as the file attachment as an appropriate place.

All the applications should be submitted ONLY through the online portal. Hard copy or soft copy submission will NOT be accepted. 

This is a rolling advertisement. There is no last date and applications can be submitted throughout the year. Applications will be processed periodically. 

Note: Applications submitted in response to the rolling advertisements nos. Rectt/01/2019, Rectt/02/2019, and IITBBS/FAC/MMR/Rolling-Advt/2023 will no longer be taken into consideration, hence those who applied in response to these advertisements are therefore requested to submit their applications through the new portal of this advertisement.

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