Designation/ Position- Regular Faculty Positions at IIT Ropar
Department: School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering (AIDE)
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar invites applications from qualified and motivated candidates for the post of Assistant Professor Grade-I/II in the School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering (AIDE) of the institute. Applicants will be considered for either Grade-I or Grade-II depending on their eligibility and suitability. The applications shall be screened and the shortlisted candidates shall be asked to appear for a Teaching / Research seminar at IIT Ropar. The recommended candidates shall be subsequently invited for an interview at IIT Ropar.
Reservations: As per Government of India norms.
Qualified persons include:
(a) Indian Nationals.
(b) Foreign Nationals, who are Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) or Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), in whose case if selected, permission will be sought from the Government of India before he/she can join the institute.
(c) Other Foreign Nationals in whose case if selected, an appointment will be made on a contract basis for up to 5 years subject to the grant of permission from the Government of India before he/she can join the institute.
Assistant Professor Grade-I:
Ph.D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout.
A minimum of three years post-Ph.D. teaching/research / professional experience, excluding the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D. Candidate should have demonstrated research capabilities regarding publications in reputed journals and conferences.
Scale of Pay: Pay Level 12 (Rs. 101500-167400) with a basic pay of Rs.1,01,500/- per month. On completion of 3 years of service as Assistant Professor Grade I with Academic Level 12, would be eligible for movement to Academic Level 13A1 (Rs. 131400-204700) with a basic pay of Rs.1,31,400/- per month subject to satisfactory performance and on the recommendations of an Assessment Committee.
Assistant Professor Grade II:
Candidates satisfying all criteria other than the post-experience criteria for Assistant Professor Grade I may be appointed as Assistant Professor Grade II with appropriate pay based on post-doctoral experience. At the entry-level, they may be placed in Academic Level 10 (Rs.57700-98200) with basic pay of Rs.70900/- per month and shall move to Academic Level 11 after completion of 1-year post-Ph.D. experience (basic pay of Rs.84800/- per month) and 2 years (basic pay of Rs. 87300/-per month). On completion of the minimum experience requirement and satisfactory performance in teaching and research and on the recommendations of an Assessment Committee, they may be moved to Assistant Professor Grade I in Academic Level 12.
Important Note: Outstanding candidates from specializations other than those advertised may also considered.
The application must be completed with full details of educational qualifications including year of obtaining Ph.D., date of defense, and a detailed CV providing a list of publications (with reprints of the best papers), teaching/research / industrial experience, date of birth along with the names and contact details of three referees.
- Applications by e-mail or hard copy will not be considered. Copies of certificates should be uploaded in PDF form along with the application.
- Mere fulfillment of the above-mentioned qualifications and experience does not entitle a candidate to be called for an interview.
- Candidates should submit their valid SC/ST/OBC/EWS/Disability certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format along with the application form in support of their claim. (if applicable)
- The valid OBC Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) certificate should be as per the prescribed format of the Government of India issued by the appropriate authority. (if applicable).
- The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill positions in any of the specialization(s) / Department(s).
- The candidate should fill out separate applications if he/she is interested in applying to more than one department/ position.
- Recruitment would be based on the need in a given area within the department.
- For a regular faculty position, the candidate must present himself/herself personally at least once; either for research-cum-teaching seminar or for the interview.
Interested candidates must apply ONLINE only through the Institute website
- The last date for the submission of online applications is 31.07.2024.
Applications by e-mail or hard copy will not be considered. Copies of certificates should be uploaded in PDF form along with the application.
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